The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 3701-3750 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 3701

For a martial arts nerd like Joseph, if he could one day enter the Dark Realm in the future, it would simply be the greatest opportunity in his life.

However, he also understood the meaning of Charlie’s words, whether he could get this opportunity or not would depend on his own performance and the performance of the other soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front in the future.

So, he immediately knelt down on one knee and said, “Mr. Wade, all of us in the Cataclysmic Front will do our best and never let you down!”

The others also followed him and knelt down on one knee, stating their attitude in unison.

Charlie blandly accepted everyone’s kneeling and said to Joseph, “From today onwards, you must be stricter than ever with yourself and your men, never let anyone be as arrogant and co*cky as Harmen and Walter were before.”

Without hesitation, Joseph said respectfully, “Please rest assured, Mr. Wade, your subordinate will be strict with himself and the other members of the Cataclysmic Front!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said, “Alright, it’s not too early, you guys should move to the airport now, and hurry up to land the armed escort.”

“Okay!” Joseph hurriedly answered, and said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, you asked me to leave a group of people stationed in Aurous Hill, or else let Walter personally stay at your disposal!”

Charlie waved his hand: “No need, after all, he is second only to you in the strength, so staying in Aurous Hill is too much waste of resource.

“Okay.” Joseph immediately picked out one from the crowd and spoke, “Liam, come out!”

“Yes Sir!” A young man stepped out from the crowd and spoke, “Please give orders, Supreme Commander!”

Joseph said, “Select fifteen people, form a sixteen-member squad, you will be the captain, the entire squad will be stationed in Aurous Hill, and everything will be under Mr. Wade’s command!”

“Yes!” The young man called Liam said without hesitation, “Mr. Wade, I am Liam, a five-star soldier of the Cataclysmic Front, if you have anything to do, just give me an order, I will do my best!”

Charlie nodded and said, “After you choose the people, stay at Shangri-La, Issac will arrange your food, clothing, and accommodation here.”

Liam said without hesitation, “Your subordinate follows orders!”

After Charlie looked at the time, he instructed Issac, “Arrange a vehicle to take Joseph and the others to the airport.”

“Okay Young Master.”

Charlie also instructed Joseph: “If you have any ideas about the renovation of that ship, sort it out and tell me as soon as possible, I will directly ask Melba to arrange for the shipyard to carry out the renovation.”

Joseph was busy saying, “Mr. Wade, I have thought about it, the general transformation is just a few directions, the deck transformation, and then transform part of the cargo hold into living quarters in order to accommodate more armed personnel,”

“As for the speedboat it is simple, it can be procured at any time.”

But now time is urgent, I think there is no need for too much transformation, just need to first do the deck-leveling treatment, creating at least three helicopter landing spaces,”

“This kind of ship interior at least can accommodate dozens of people living in the cabin, the Front soldiers can make do for the time being, first as soon as possible to put into use, and then slowly we can use it while we’re doing the remodeling.”

Charlie nodded and said, “I’ll talk to Melba later and let her make arrangements as soon as possible so that when the deck of the cargo ship is finished, it will be delivered to you in the Gulf of Aden as soon as possible.”

“Okay!” Joseph said firmly, “Mr. Wade don’t worry, within a week, I will fix all the forward bases!”

Chapter 3702

Afterward, Joseph took most of the Cataclysmic Front soldiers and hurriedly left Shangri-La, and headed for the airport.

Charlie’s Boeing business jet was ready to take off and would fly directly to Sana, the capital of Yemen.

Liam, who stayed behind, and more than ten other soldiers, were unified by Issac and checked into the Shangri-La administration building.

Charlie called Melba and told her about Joseph’s request for the cargo ship. Although Melba did not know exactly what Charlie was going to do, she said that she would immediately arrange for that cargo ship to enter the shipyard and finish the transformation in the fastest possible time.

When the communication was finished, it was already noon, so Issac asked Charlie: “Young master, do you have any other arrangements for noon?”

Charlie shook his head: “There are no more arrangements, for now, I plan to meet Warnia in the afternoon and touch on the auction.”

Issac looked at the time and said, “Young master, why don’t you eat at Shangri-La at noon, I’ll have them arrange lunch now.”

“Let’s go to Classic Mansion.” Charlie said indifferently, “The food made by a big hotel like yours, no matter how exquisite it is, it can’t avoid the smell of a big pot of rice.”

Issac was busy saying, “Then I’ll prepare the car and say hello to Orvel by the way, let’s go to Classic Mansion.”

Charlie instructed, “Right, make a call to call Liang over, I have something to say to him.”

“Okay!” Issac nodded and busily said, “Young master, then please move to the Sky Garden first, I’ll make the arrangements.”

During this period of time, Charlie did not ask much more about the operation of JX Pharmaceutical, everything was left in Liang’s hands, and he himself was more at ease.

However, right now, he wanted to speed up the development of JX Pharmaceutical, so this time, he wants to meet Liang with the intention of giving him one or two new prescriptions, so that he could hurry up the preparation of new drugs.

Soon, Issac informed Orvel, and then drove the car himself, driving Charlie to Classic Mansion.

Charlie had just gotten into the car when his cell phone rang, and the caller was Zhiyu.

Charlie picked up the phone and asked her with a smile, “Why is Miss Su calling me at this time?”

Zhiyu said in a respectful tone on the other end of the phone, “Grace, I am calling because I wanted to report something to you.”

“Yesterday, Grandpa announced the decision for me to take over as the head of the Su family,”

“And this morning, the general meeting of all shareholders was held at the Su Group, announcing my appointment as the chairman of the Su Group, and I have now officially taken over the Su family.”

Charlie laughed: “Then I really have to congratulate you! At a young age, you have become the head of the Su family! It’s really congratulatory!”

Zhiyu said respectfully, “All thanks to your help, without your help, I would have died in Kyoto on that snowy night ……”

Charlie said seriously: “Do not go back to those old calendars, you are now the head of the Su family, in charge of a large group with a market value of more than a trillion,”

“If you still always have a grateful heart, it is difficult to sit firmly in this position.”

Zhiyu also said with the same seriousness: “Grace, besides the kindness of my parents, I am only grateful to you.”

Chapter 3703

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “All right, don’t say so many polite words. You and I are both first time family heads, let’s work together in the future.”

“Understood!” Zhiyu said firmly, “I will definitely do my best to run the Su family well, at the same time, please also rest assured that from now on, the Su family will no longer compete against you in any field,”

“As long as you say the word, no matter what field or industry, the Su family will righteously and permanently withdraw!”

Charlie laughed: “Not so much, normal healthy competition is good, of course, if the competition can be transformed into a cooperative relationship, it would be even better!”

Saying that, Charlie asked with concern: “By the way, Master Su has given you all the big power, do you feel that there is a lot of pressure on you within the Su family?”

“Big.” Zhiyu said self-deprecatingly, “Everyone looks at me as if I am an invader, they want to eat me alive.”

Saying that, Zhiyu said seriously, “But I am sure I can hold them down, don’t worry, Grace.”

“Good.” Charlie smiled faintly: “If there is anything you need help with, remember to look for me.”

“Okay! Thank you, grace!”

Charlie added: “By the way, I’m busy with the transformation of Cataclysmic Front these two days, my initial plan is to have them set up an armed escort company first,”

“And after it’s set up, give them all the escort work of the ISU Shipping first, and when you have time to come to Aurous Hill, we can talk face to face.”

Zhiyu said without hesitation and with a bit of excitement in her tone, “Grace, I will come to see you tomorrow!”

At this time, Zhiyu, can’t wait to come to Aurous Hill to meet him.

If not for the news that a press conference will be held in the afternoon to officially announce her succession as the head of the Su family and the chairman of the Su Group, she could not wait to fly over directly now.

Moreover, she has two very good reasons for coming to Aurous Hill.

One is that her mother lives in Aurous Hill, and the other is that she is also a shareholder of ISU Shipping, and in ISU Shipping she has invested so much that she naturally needs to come over often to pay attention to the operation.

Charlie didn’t think much about it, and he really wanted to meet Zhiyu and Melba to have a good chat.

Moreover, he did not only want to talk to the two of them about the matter of the armed escort of the Front, but also about the next development direction of the ISU shipping.

So, he said to her, “Give me a call tomorrow after you land, I’ll make an appointment with Melba as well, and we’ll meet then for a detailed talk.”

“Okay.” Zhiyu said, “Then I’ll leave you alone, let’s meet tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Charlie hung up the phone, Issac who was driving couldn’t help but ask: “Young master, Miss Su has completely taken over the Su family?”

“Mm.” Charlie laughed: “24-year-old girl, fully inherited trillions of family assets, placed in the world, I’m afraid it is also a unique event.”

“Yes ……” Issac also could not help but sigh: “After this news is announced, I am afraid that Miss Su will become the woman in this world that men are most eager to marry ……”

Charlie laughed: “Whoever marries her, one step will become a winner in life.”

As he was saying, Charlie’s phone suddenly rang again.

Chapter 3704

Looking down, the caller, surprisingly, is far away in northern Europe, Helena.

Charlie recalled that when he was in Northern Europe, the Queen had promised to let Helena succeed to the throne after three days, and it was estimated that it was today.

So, Charlie picked up the phone and asked her with a smile, “Helena, is your coronation ceremony over?”

Helena said in a very gentle voice, “Mr. Wade, my coronation ceremony will be held in four hours at the capital cathedral ……”

“Four hours later?” Charlie subconsciously asked, “Is such a grand ceremony going to be held in the afternoon?”

Helena was busy saying, “No, it’s 10:00 am sharp.”

“Oh ……” Charlie then remembered about the time difference and laughed to himself, “I’m really sorry, I forgot about the time difference, so it’s just 6 o’clock in the morning in your place?”

“Yes ……” Helena said softly: “I got up at four o’clock to put on makeup and change clothes to get ready, tossed two hours to just change the dress, feel much more trouble than the wedding.”

“That’s for sure.” Charlie laughed: “Marriage is a matter of two people, at best, two families, but you succeeded the Queen’s throne, this is your entire royal family, even the entire country’s ceremony.”

Saying that, Charlie added: “Then I’ll congratulate you in advance on your successful succession to the throne!”

Helena said gratefully, “Thank you Mr. Wade ……”

Saying that, she hesitated for a moment and asked somewhat nervously, “Mr. Wade …… you …… can you come to my coronation ceremony?”

Charlie said apologetically, “Sorry Helena, I am now in Aurous Hill, I can’t come over to your coronation ceremony, and for your European royal family’s coronation ceremony, I think it would be rather eye-catching for an Asian face to appear there.”

“I understand ……” Helena said in a voice that could not hide her loss, “I just …… was just so hopeful that you would show up here that I couldn’t help but ask,”

“Even though I know it may be difficult for you to pull away, and with your personality, you may not like this kind of occasion ……”

Charlie gave a hmph and asked her, “There are still a few hours to go, are you nervous now?”

“Nervous ……” Helena confided, “Because this coronation ceremony is not only public, but it’s being simulcast worldwide, so I’m especially nervous now ……”

Charlie asked curiously, “Such a solemn event, but also a global live broadcast?”

“Yes ……” Helena said helplessly: “Because back in the 1950s, the Queen of Britain, before her coronation, once at the request of the nation, allowed the national radio and television to broadcast her coronation ceremony live,”

“so this time I succeeded to the throne, the Nordic people also petitioned online, hoping to be able to live broadcast my coronation process, the royal family and the Nordic government after consultation, also felt that this is a good opportunity to enhance the influence of the royal family,”

“close the distance between the royal family and the public, so they authorized many television stations, online video sites, and media to broadcast live for free ……”

Charlie then comforted: “Don’t be nervous, the global live broadcast is also really a good opportunity for the world to see you, now the world itself is not much left of the royal family, the empress is even less, not to mention that you such both young and beautiful empress,”

“I believe that after this ceremony, you will become one of the most well-known women in the world, this is a hundred benefits for you, but no harm It will not only bring you and the whole royal family more influence as well as potential benefits, but also further increase the solidity of your royal power.”

Helena asked, “Mr. Wade …… then you will tune in to watch my coronation ceremony?”

“Will!” Charlie said seriously: “The world I only know you so a serious member of the royal family, and soon to succeed the empress, this cowl is really enough for me to blow on more than ten years, so such a major coronation ceremony, I will certainly watch live online.”

Helena said gratefully, “Then it couldn’t be better …… Mr. Wade, you must not lie to me ……”

Charlie laughed: “Don’t worry, I will definitely watch the whole live broadcast, when the time comes, we also let our short video platform do a broadcast, for you to improve the influence in China.”

Helena said joyfully, “I don’t care if other people watch or not, as long as you are willing to watch, I will be satisfied.”

Charlie said with relief, “Don’t worry, I will cheer for you in China.”

Helena was touched and said, “Thank you, Mr. Wade, I will take the royal carriage at eight o’clock which is two hours later, and go from the palace to the cathedral,”

“then I will wear the brooch I carefully prepared for you on my chest, you must remember to watch it!”

Charlie was surprised and asked, “A brooch prepared for me? What does this mean?”

Helena shyly said, “You will know when you see it ……”

Charlie knew that Helena wanted to leave suspense, so he did not pursue the question.

However, he did suddenly remember the auction, so he said to Helena: “By the way, there is something that I have to trouble you to convey to your grandmother for me.”

“My grandmother?” Helena asked in surprise, “What is it that you need me to convey to her?”

Charlie laughed: “I think many European royalty and nobles, as well as high society people, are attending your coronation ceremony today, right?”

“Yes……” Helena said, “Almost all the European royal families have sent representatives, even the Middle Eastern royal families have come here.”

Charlie then said, “I have to trouble your grandmother to help me promote the rejuvenating Pill in front of these people!”

Chapter 3705

“Promote the Rejuvenating Pill?!”

Hearing Charlie’s words, Helena was surprised and asked, “Mr. Wade, are you planning to sell the Rejuvenating Pill to the public?”

“That’s right.” Charlie smiled, “I plan to hold an auction in Aurous Hill at the end of the month,”

“and I will take out a small amount of Rejuvenating Pills for the live auction at that time.”

Helena couldn’t help but exclaim: “Then I’m afraid it will fetch a sky-high price by then ……”

Charlie laughed: “It’s naturally best if it can fetch a sky-high price.”

Saying that he added: “European royalty, nobles, and the rich and powerful are all my potential customers,”

“So I have to ask your grandmother to help me promote it properly. As for the specific time and rules of the auction, I will officially release it to the public through the Wade family in a few days.”

Helena immediately said, “No problem, I’ll talk to grandma in a minute!”

“Good.” Charlie faintly smiled: “Then I won’t delay your preparation, I will follow your coronation ceremony on the internet throughout then!”

Helena softly said: “Okay Mr. Wade,”

These last twenty to thirty years, China as well as the United States development, in the world has been in the leading position, coupled with Japan, the European gang of old empires, in recent years, one by one appear to be a little weak.

However, Europe is different from the United States, China and Japan is that the latter three countries, most of the wealthy are emerging families and business owners, while in Europe, there is really a large number of hundreds of years of history hidden in the royal family and the great nobility.

These people’s ancestors, from the first industrial revolution began, started to make a fortune, these families after hundreds of years of development, have long mastered countless wealth, which is also known as Old Money.

This group of people over the years, although do not show much but in fact, each one is rich.

Do not look at the local boss of a new type of listed company, all of a sudden worth more than a billion seems very impressive.

This gang of Old Money randomly pick a painting from the wall of their own castle, it is estimated that they can also shoot hundreds of millions of dollars with that.

Therefore, Charlie this time to engage in the “Rejuvenating pill economy”, the European tycoons have become an integral part.

If the Nordic Queen, who is about to abdicate, comes out to speak, it will definitely have a great impact on the European tycoons.

After ending the call with Helena, Charlie remembered Feng Shui master Qinghua who was far away in the United States, so he asked Issac: “What time is it in Los Angeles?”

Issac was busy saying, “Young master, Los Angeles is on the west coast, fifteen hours different from us, it’s almost a little after eight o’clock at night and less than nine o’clock!”

“Good.” Charlie nodded: “It’s not too late.”

After saying that, he called Mr. Lai.

Soon, a cheerful voice of Lai Qinghua came from the other end of the phone: “Young Master Wade, I was thinking of calling you when you were done with these two days, but I didn’t expect you to be so busy and call me first!”

Charlie smiled faintly and asked respectfully, “How does Mr. Lai know that I was busy?”

Chapter 3706

Qinghua laughed: “I heard about the matter of Cataclysmic Front bringing coffins to the Wade family,”

“So I dared to divine a trigram for you, and found that the trigram was surprisingly a superior sign of a dragon entering the sea, and I knew that Cataclysmic Front was definitely not your opponent.”

Speaking of this, Qinghua added: “According to my speculation, the Cataclysmic Front is not only not your opponent, but also the key to send you, the dragon, from the shallow talk into the sea!”

“If old me guessed correctly, you should have already become the Wade family head, right?”

Charlie could not help but ask in awe, “Mr. Lai’s divination and trigonometry skills have actually become so advanced? To be able to tell that I have become the Wade family head just through the trigrams, this is also really remarkable!”

“No, no, no. ……” Qinghua said humbly,

“I am far from being as magical as you say, Young Master Wade, the trigrams can only reveal the general trend, but the specific information contained in them, also needs to be combined with the actual The situation needs to be analyzed logically.”

After saying that, Qinghua said: “At the time on Waderest, I once told you, you fell to Aurous Hill, is the dragon trapped in the shallows, but after the dragon trap formation broke, you have lost the shallow talk of bondage,”

“At that time I suggested that you return to Eastcliff, so that the party is the dragon into the sea, but Dan’s went to Aurous Hill last time, and let me realize that you are still settled in Aurous Hill.”

“Yes.” Charlie laughed: “I’ve been living in Aurous Hill for a longer time, so I’m kind of used to it and easily don’t want to move to change.”

Qinghua laughed: “This time, the outside world is all abounding in rumors that the Wade family is going to suffer a great calamity, if the Wade family really fell in this way, then your trigram will be a tiger falling into a flat sun,”

“A dragon trapped in the shallows, or even a heavenly dragon falling, but your trigram shows a great auspicious illumination of a dragon entering the sea,”

“so I presume that this time the Cataclysmic Front attacked the Wade family, it must be sending you a once-in-a-lifetime good opportunity.”

Speaking of this, Qinghua said: “I thought, although the young master Wade has the life of the dragon, but really want to be in the absence of any external interference, to take charge of the Wade family power,”

“But also absolutely no easy task! As the so-called freezing three feet is not a day’s cold, the Wade family so many years to accumulate the family business, so many years to build out the power and management structure, forgiveness is the ability of the strongest person, want to take control of the power also need to slowly figure out,”

“and the only opportunity to let you take a step to the sky, is a strong enemy attack, so a combination of these messages, I presume that the young master Wade you must have become the Lord of the Wade family!”

Charlie sincerely admired: “Mr. Lai not only has an extraordinary ability to divine, but also an admirable ability to analyze logically!”

Qinghua said: “Young Master Wade, you praised me! I have lived for a hundred and three years, I have no skills, just a few more bowls of rice than others, I dare not fool around in front of you!”

Charlie laughed: “Mr. Lai you must not say that I am in front of you, but a junior who is just a fledgling ……”

Qinghua laughed: “Young Master Wade, you and I don’t need to boast about each other here, I haven’t asked you why you are calling me today, what exactly is your order?”

Charlie said, “Mr. Lai, I can’t say I have any orders, I just have a favor to ask from you.”

Qinghua said: “Young Master Wade, I owe my ten years of life to you, if you have anything, just give me an order, I will do my best to do it!”

Charlie smiled and said, “I am planning to hold an auction in Aurous Hill at the end of the month, so I will take out one or two rejuvenation pills and auction them.”

Qinghua once heard the words Rejuvenating pills, shocked incomparably said: “Young Master Wade …… you …… you just inherited the Wade family, by no means short of money, why do you want to auction such precious Rejuvenating pills!”

In the beginning, Qinghua in order to find his destiny of the birth gate, with four years for the Wade family to build Waderest, was given Rejuvenating pills by Charlie, so, not many people than him know clearly how high the value of these pills really is.

The first time he heard Charlie say he wanted to auction the Rejuvenating Pill, he couldn’t understand, Charlie could never be short of money, and how could he take out such a precious immortal medicine for any auction?

Charlie then laughed: “auction it, not because of lack of money, mainly because Aurous Hill this place you know, although the ancient capital of the six dynasties, full of heritage,”

“But the economic development of these years is indeed a bit fallen behind, not a too strong presence in the country, on the international stage it is not much more well-known ……”

“So, I want to give Aurous Hill more exposure overseas through this auction, and by the way, also attract some top tycoons to Aurous Hill to invest in property!”

Chapter 3707

Speaking of this, Charlie said seriously: “Now it is not popular to say to bend over, so I also want to let Aurous Hill to a bend over and see the effect!”

After hearing Charlie’s explanation, Lai Qinghua instantly fully comprehended his intentions, and even the deeper intentions that he did not say, he was able to fully appreciate.

He knew that Charlie’s use of the Rejuvenating Pill to auction was never just to give Aurous Hill some more exposure, there must be a deeper intention.

And Charlie, too, has always had a thought hidden in his heart that he did not tell anyone.

He wanted to set up this auction, just to use the Rejuvenating Pill as an excellent bait, step by step, to attract the richest and most powerful group of people in this world out.

The Rejuvenating Pill is like the top nesting material that is sprinkled in the water when he is fishing.

With this top-notch nesting material, not only can the ordinary fish, as well as the usual rare big fish, are attracted, even those usually hidden in the deepest, darkest behemoths, will certainly be attracted to come.

These behemoths are much more cunning than ordinary fish, and it is likely that hitting the nest once will not be enough to attract them over.

It is for this reason that Charlie has to continue to hold the auction.

Hit the nest once not to come, twice not to come, to the third time, they may not be able to hold down.

These behemoths are the ones who know best and master the rules of how this world works.

They abide by the laws of the dark forest as described in the science fiction novel “Three Bodies”, and are hunters with guns stalking in this dark forest.

Moreover, they always carry guns to hide in the shadows, conceal themselves, accumulate energy, and never expose themselves even when they shoot to kill.

However, with a miracle pill like the Rejuvenating Pill as bait, they can never hide forever!

In addition, Charlie set the rule that the Rejuvenating Pill must be auctioned and taken on the spot, so all the behemoths, once they are interested in the Pill, must show their true bodies and come to Aurous Hill in person!

And once they can’t control the temptation to come out of the darkness, they will have violated the great taboo of the law of the Dark Forest, and will be exposed to Charlie’s field of vision, and even to Charlie’s sniper range!

What Charlie wants to do is to let this gang of hidden behemoths in the dark forest reveal themselves, while he replaces them, becoming the strongest hunter hidden in the dark forest!

If these behemoths, there are deeply hidden enemies, Charlie can also hide in the dark, directly launching a fatal attack.

At this time, Qinghua, also smacked out this intention of Charlie.

But he did not say anything, but said with a smile: “Young Master Wade, your idea to overtake the car is really wonderful, for the world’s truly rich, the small Aurous Hill is almost no attraction,”

“But once there is the Rejuvenating Pill, then this place will become a holy land for all the rich to compete! By attracting them to Aurous Hill, I’m afraid it won’t take long for Aurous Hill’s economy to achieve a huge explosion!”

Charlie laughed: “I do plan to do so, that’s why I need you, Mr. Lai, to help me promote the place in the United States.

Qinghua immediately said: “I’m not going to lie to you, Young Master Wade, many people in the United States are asking me how I came back from four years in China when I was dying,”

“getting younger and younger, including Dan Mai begged me more than once to reveal it, but I’ve always kept my mouth shut and never said a word, this feeling of hiding a big secret is really tormenting sometimes if I can say it now, that’s really great!”

Chapter 3708

After saying that, added: “Since Young Master Wade is prepared to use the Rejuvenating Pill to add to Aurous Hill, I should also do my part!”

“Don’t worry, from today onwards, I will tell all the rich people I know about the Rejuvenating Pill,”

“With this actual case of me speaking out, plus my lifetime divination and fortune-telling skills as an endorsem*nt, I believe they will be rushing to get the Rejuvenating Pill!”

Charlie laughed: “That’s really good!”

Saying that he added: “Right, Mr. Lai, when you talk about the Rejuvenating Pill to the public, don’t mention my identity, just say that you found the chance of the Rejuvenating Pill in China,”

“And this time, I heard that a mysterious person is going to take the Rejuvenating Pill out to auction in Aurous Hill, the rest you don’t have to say much, let them be curious first. This news is officially announced.”

“Okay!” Lai Qinghua said without hesitation, “I’ll take care of this matter, don’t worry, Young Master Wade!”

Charlie thanked, “Then I thank you, Mr. Lai, I will reserve a VIP seat for you at the auction, so please come over and guide your junior’s work!”

Qinghua laughed cheerfully: “I’m not going to hide it from you, young master Wade, I don’t need to divine, I can also guess that the sale price of this Rejuvenating Pill will definitely create a world auction record,”

“although I have not made much money in my life, but really compared to the richest people in the world, it’s just a hair on the cake, it is estimated that the starting price is not something I can get out of my old bones ……”

Charlie laughed: “Mr. Lai, this auction, itself is prepared to be used to cut leeks, which can let you participate in the auction! You can come to support a show, the junior will have a generous gift to give!”

When Qinghua heard this, he said nervously: “Young Master Wade …… old man …… old man did not mean that …… you need this old man to support the scene. I’ll die for it! When the time comes, I would never dare to accept your gift ……”

Charlie did not explain much, smiled slightly: “Old man, we are also considered forgetful friends, I also do not see you so foreign, then I will send you an invitation, you have time, then you have to run!”

“Okay!” Qinghua said without hesitation: “Young Master Wade, don’t worry, I will be there! I guarantee that in less than two days, all the rich and powerful people in America will be desperate to find out what the Rejuvenating Pill is!”

Qinghua’s words made Charlie vaguely a little excited.

Moreover, to this old gentleman, Charlie was also very grateful inside.

Although he and him, only had a one-sided encounter, but fate had allowed Qinghua to spend four years to help him out of his predicament.

Although he was also in search of his own life door, but others helped him and this is an established fact, so Charlie is naturally grateful to him.

A rejuvenation pill can make a healthy old man twenty years younger and increase his life expectancy by twenty years, while for a hundred-year-old man like Qinghua, there are too many accumulated diseases in his body,”

“And the last rejuvenation pill taken, half of the medicinal power was almost all used to treat those old diseases, so at most he can live for ten more years.

If he gives him another Rejuvenating Pill, it can at least let him live another ten or twenty years.

Therefore, Charlie had already made up his mind that this time when Qinghua comes to Aurous Hill, he would give him another rejuvenation pill.

After all, this thing is nothing to him.

In the past, the Rejuvenating Pill was more or less precious to him, and with the Pill, his body had also improved greatly.

But since he had refined the Cultivation pill, the Rejuvenating Pill has become too ordinary for him, so ordinary that this Pill is no longer worth taking for himself at all.

As for refining more Rejuvenating Pills, it wasn’t a difficult task for him either.

Now that his body is exceptionally full of spiritual energy, refining Rejuvenating Pills is just a piece of cake.

And although the herbs needed for the Rejuvenating Pill are rare and precious, they are not so rare that you can’t even find them with money.

If a quarter of the money earned from the Rejuvenating Pill auction is given to Qin Gang, he can buy enough raw materials from all over the world to refine several thousand Rejuvenating Pills!

Chapter 3709

After Charlie and Qinghua said goodbye to each other on the phone, Issac also drove his car to the entrance of Classic Mansion.

Along with Orvel, the general manager of JX Pharmaceutical, Liang, came out to greet him.

When he saw Charlie, Liang hurriedly and respectfully came forward and said, “Master Wade!”

Charlie did not expect Liang to come so quickly, and could not help but laugh: “How did you get here so quickly?”

Liang said, “Mr. Issac said you were looking for me for something, so I rushed over.”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Looking for you to talk about the new drug, come in let’s talk.”

Orvel hurriedly said, “Master Wade, the diamond box is ready, please!”

Charlie then said, “Let’s all join together.”

Several people came to the diamond box with Charlie, and after they were seated, he asked Liang straight to the point: “How is the recent business situation of the company?”

Liang could not hide his excitement and said, “Master Wade, our JX Weisan is selling very well now, and has successfully entered the markets of some developed countries in Europe and the Americas, with global monthly sales of more than two billion RMB, and it is rising.

Charlie didn’t feel much when he heard this data, instead, Issac was shocked and asked, “The global sales of JX Weisan alone exceeded two billion RMB in one month?”

Liang laughed: “Mr. Issac, this is only half of the situation in developed countries in Europe and the United States,”

“You know, JX Weisan in overseas, no matter which country’s currency, the actual pricing converted into U.S. dollars exchange rate, is about one hundred U.S. dollars, equivalent to about six hundred yuan,”

“This deducts the production costs, tariffs, and corporate income tax, and then deduct the channel costs, publicity The net profit is about forty to fifty percent.”

Issac could not help but exclaim: “If all the European and American countries are taken, won’t it be possible to double?”

“Yes.” Liang explained, “In many countries of Europe and in the United States for overseas import drug approval is relatively strict, need us to produce relatively complete pharmacological experiments as well as clinical trial data, and even pharmaco*kinetics.”

“These also require us to give detailed data, the most headache is that they need us to have to publish the prescription, this we are still negotiating with the relevant local agencies.”

Charlie said lightly: “JX Pharmaceutical’s prescription, is absolutely impossible to leak out, this they do not even have to think about.”

Liang said with more or less difficulty: “But Master Wade …… if the other side insists, if we do not agree, the other side will not approve our drugs to be marketed in their country.”

Charlie asked rhetorically, “Is there nothing special about this kind of policy?”

“There is ……” Liang explained: “If it is a high mortality rate of major disease-related special drugs, some cases are able to get special approval,”

“But that is basically some for cancer, cardiovascular disease Similar to these high mortality rate of serious illnesses, or for diabetes, a chronic disease that requires long-term medication,”

“If there are special drugs in these areas, they will generally open an opening to let the drug in first.”

Chapter 3710

Speaking of this, Liang said awkwardly: “But our JX Weisan will not reach this degree of urgency,”

“After all, we belong to the regulating type of stomach medicine, more to solve the patient’s long-term or sudden stomach discomfort, indigestion and such symptoms, these are not considered major diseases.”

Charlie nodded and asked him, “Which countries are not in yet?”

Liang said, “The largest unentered market is the United States, the U.S. FDA requirements are indeed too strict, and the process is very cumbersome,”

“So it is more tricky, but his two neighbors Canada and Mexico we have successfully entered, as for the European side, the largest yet to enter the market, is Germany and the United Kingdom.”

Speaking of this, Liang sighed: “In fact, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, in these three countries, the potential is very large!”

“Moreover, the consumption of alcohol in these three countries is very high, so the probability of their people having stomach discomfort is also much greater,”

“And the demand for all kinds of stomach medicine is also the highest in the world. If our JX Weisan can successfully enter these countries, then I expect our annual sales will exceed 200 million boxes!”

“Of which, domestic accounts for about 30 to 50 million boxes, the rest is all in the overseas market, in that case, the sales will be around 100 billion, and the net profit will be about 45 billion.”

Issac could not help but exclaim: “A drug sold for one hundred billion a year …… this is too scary ……”

Liang said: “Mr. Issac does not know, the global sales of best-selling drugs are indeed very impressive, the global drug sales champion in these years is almost nearly twenty billion dollars,”

“The top ten, the lowest also has a large number of billions of dollars, those globally renowned drugs, just take out an annual sales of more than one billion dollars.”

Saying that Liang added: “Our country’s gastrointestinal medicine alone, the sales are more than fifty billion yuan a year, combined with our country’s relatively low drug prices, global gastrointestinal drug sales are estimated to be around five hundred billion yuan a year,”

“And our Weisan, itself is with the best effects, and the price of overseas sales is a super high premium, so with the calculation, as long as we can enter the world, it is not difficult to sell one hundred billion RMB a year.”

Orvel could not help but sigh: “No wonder they say that the pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable, this revenue capacity, even the money printing machine may not be able to catch up huh!”

Issac laughed: “Orvel, the pharmaceutical industry is to make money in order to stimulate those pharmaceutical companies to develop more and better drugs,”

“You should know that the per capita life expectancy can be increased so fast in these decades, a large part of the reason, in fact, is to rely on a variety of special drugs to support.”

“That’s right.” Liang also agreed: “these years the level of medicine continues to improve, this is a very important reason for the significant increase in per capita life expectancy,”

“Many diseases a few decades ago were lethal, but now have been gradually overcome by modern medicine, whether it is medical means, or drug development, have a great contribution, which is why I personally have a huge enthusiasm for the drug industry!”

Orvel suddenly interjected at the side: “Hey right, I heard that now cancer is also going to be overcome?”

Liang shook his head and laughed: “Just a few more new treatments, including the latest immunotherapy and cell therapy, but far from being overcome, when the treatment of cancer can be as simple as the treatment of common infections, then it is called a complete control.”

Orvel said with a smile, “I think with the speed of development of medicine now, the control of cancer should be coming soon!”

Liang said, “In fact, I am not that optimistic about overcoming cancer, but I do think that through special drugs and targeted drugs, gradually turning cancer into a chronic disease and allowing patients to survive with cancer for a long time will be a major direction for its treatment in the future.”

Speaking of this, he said with a longing face, “Think about it, if the future treatment of cancer can be like the current treatment of diabetes, the patient can ensure a relatively long survival time as long as he or she is maintained with drugs, that would already be a great victory in the field of human medicine.”

Saying that, he continued, “If any drug company, can develop such a special effect drug, no matter in any country, will become the most popular and beloved enterprise!”

Hearing this, Charlie asked him curiously, “Liang, if any enterprise can really produce such a special drug, will those countries still require so much for the entry sales of drugs?”

Chapter 3711

Hearing Charlie’s question, Liang said almost without thinking, “Master Wade, whoever can develop such a drug, I’m afraid that any country in the world, will desperately invite their products into their country for sale ……”

After a pause, Liang added: “Moreover, when the time comes, if the production capacity of this drug is not enough to support the world’s demand, then I believe that many countries may even fight over the drug quota!”

Hearing Liang’s words, Orvel on the side could not help but sigh: “If one day can really overcome cancer, it is definitely a gospel for all mankind!”

Speaking of this, Orvel said with a sad face: “Hey …… my mother died of cancer, I took her everywhere to seek medical treatment, but she did not last two years,”

“In the last half-year of her life, she suffered, more than her previous life, if set aside now, maybe a few more years ……”

Liang nodded and said, “Yes, the speed of medical development is still very fast, more and more treatments, the patient can choose more and more treatment options.”

However, Liang turned his words and said, “However, cutting-edge treatment technology is generally very expensive, such as the latest cell therapy program, the cost of a single treatment is $200,000, and is not 100% effective,”

“The global annual consumption of drugs in the field of the tumor, worth more than $200 billion, and this is only the drugs, excluding surgery, radiotherapy and other treatments such as interventional therapy.”

Orvel sighed, “Hey, in this world, ordinary people work so hard to earn so little money in their lifetime, and then they contribute it all when they get a serious disease.”

Issac said seriously: “Orvel, you can’t say that, spend money to cure the disease is to exchange money for life, as the saying goes, money is valuable, life is priceless!”

Charlie has been frowning slightly, did not speak.

The words that Liang said just now gave him inspiration.

In fact, many rules seem to be unbreakable, but as long as the weight at the other end of the scale is heavy enough, it will definitely be able to make the rules change.

If a special drug that can effectively treat cancer can really be developed, I am afraid that any country in the world will not hesitate to introduce it into the domestic market.

However, for a disease like cancer, even in the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures, there is no ordinary remedy that can really cure it.

In other words, if you want to treat cancer, you have to at least use something of the level of Blood Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill to do so.

To completely cure cancer by relying on a prescription composed of some ordinary herbs is simply a fool’s errand.

The Blood Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill is already beyond the scope of ordinary Chinese medicine.

Because, it is not something that can be produced just by following a prescription with the right herbs.

If you want to make this kind of pill, you must use spiritual energy as a medium, use the alchemy method recorded in the “book” to refine the essence of the medicinal materials,”

“Then use spiritual energy to further sublimate the essence of the medicinal materials and undergo qualitative changes, and finally condense it into a pill.

If the ring of spiritual energy is missing, the medicinal properties will not even reach one percent.

In this kind of spiritual medicine, the importance of spiritual energy is much more important than the medicinal material itself.

This also means that whether it’s the Blood Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill, or the Rejuvenating Pill, as long as it’s a pill that requires spiritual energy to refine, it’s impossible to actually mass produce on the assembly line.

Chapter 3712

Even if Charlie did nothing all day and all night and refine the Blood Saving Pill, he would only be able to get a few hundred pills a day.

Therefore, he does not have the ability to let JX Pharmaceutical mass-produce this kind of medicine.

Thinking of this, he could not help but regret a little.

The production of drugs, naturally, is to make money, but also to benefit society.

If there is any way to move the Blood Dissipation Heart Saving Pill to the production line and realize mass production in the future, it is really possible to realize Liang’s vision.

However, this idea could only be considered a good wish so far, and if he really wanted to realize it, he was afraid that he would have to see if there was a better chance in the future.

However, Charlie suddenly thought, the blood dispersal heart saving pills are very strong, as long as a person still has a breath, this medicine will definitely be able to save, and the vast majority of injuries and illnesses, can be completely cured.

If the tumor patient takes it, it can effectively inhibit the development of tumor, and if taken continuously for a long time, it can not only inhibit the development of tumor, but also make the tumor slowly become smaller and allow the patient to survive stably for a long time.

This kind of medicine has many advantages compared with the target drugs of western medicine nowadays.

The first is that there are too many types of targeted drugs, and most of these targeted drugs can only treat one kind of cancer, while using blood dispersal heart saving pills, almost any cancer can be treated, and even for other diseases are also effective.

Secondly, targeted drugs will soon develop resistance, and once they do, they will lose their therapeutic effect, but the ingredients of the blood dispersal heart saving pills will definitely not develop resistance.

In other words, if tumor patients can keep taking it, not only do they have hope for a complete cure, but even if they can’t be cured, they can achieve the kind of long-term survival with cancer that Liang just mentioned.

If calculated according to the way tumor patients take one capsule per day, then one capsule of medicine, even if it contains only one-thousandth of the blood dispersal heart saving pill, must have a strong enough medicinal effect.

So, he immediately said to Liang, “I have a formula that can control cancer, but this formula needs to add the Blood Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill as a medicinal primer, so the production capacity may be very limited,”

“After I make it, you first take a part of the sample to the United States, dump it to their relevant departments, just lie to them that this is a special cancer medicine that we are developing and will soon be fully marketed,”

“If they don’t speed up the approval of JX Weisan, then all of our future products will be taken out of the U.S. market! Scare them well and let them weigh themselves.”

As soon as Liang heard that it was the Blood Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill, he immediately knew that it was a miracle pill that many acquaintances of Charlie had all gotten before.

Now, when he heard that Charlie wanted to use this miracle medicine to make a special cancer medicine to scare the Americans, he immediately understood his intention.

He hurriedly asked Charlie: “Master Wade, then this medicine, what are you going to call it? Even if it’s a sample, I have to have someone design a reliable package so that the credibility is a little higher.”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Once this medicine is taken out, it definitely has the effect of recreating new life for ordinary people, so let’s call it JX Reclaiming Pill!”

“JX Reclaiming Pill……” Liang said with unconcealed excitement, “Master Wade, I’ll arrange for the design team to come up with the packaging immediately after I return!”

Charlie instructed: “I am going to make it into a hard round pill, the diameter is about one centimeter, you design it into a box of seven, a box is just enough dose for a week.”

“Okay!” Liang was busy saying, “I’ll make the sample for you in the next few days!”

“OK.” Charlie smiled: “I estimate that I can only get a few thousand boxes of this medicine at most, except for a very small amount for you to stimulate the relevant departments of the Western countries,”

“The rest will be given to those serious patients with difficult families, you can organize a free medicine giving activity of JX Rejuvenation Pill, and say that this is our latest research results, so that It can also enhance the fame of JX Pharmaceutical.”

Liang asked, “Master Wade, do you need to apply for a patent for the formula of this JX Reclaiming Pill?”

“I’m afraid that after other countries and pharmaceutical companies get it, they will try to figure out the ingredients in it first, so if we don’t register a patent, there might be risks in the future.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Good, when the time comes, I will give you a prescription, and you register the patent for the prescription in advance.”

Immediately after that, he said to Liang: “In addition to this JX Reclaiming Pill, I also have a new prescription that can be produced in large quantities and can effectively protect the liver,”

“I will give you the prescription later, you go to register a patent, as for the name of the medicine, it is called JX Liver Protective Tablets.”

Liang said with surprise, “Master Wade, this liver protection tablet, it should be the formula you talked about before, the one that focuses on nourishing the liver and protecting it, right?”

“Right.” Charlie nodded and said, “If you want to take the volume, you have to do this kind of maintenance-type drugs, half treatment and half health care nature,”

“The audience is also larger, a stomach pill, a liver tablet, these two combinations, for the people today, is definitely a combination of home essential medicine!”

Chapter 3713

Charlie knew very well in his heart that if he just hoped that the JX Reclaiming Pill could cure cancer, then he only needed to refine a batch of blood dispersal heart relief pills.

And then have Liang use corn starch and dilute it according to the ratio of one-thousandth of the active ingredients.

Corn starch itself is the most commonly used diluent in the field of pharmaceuticals.

In Western medicine, the active ingredient in a medicine ingot is sometimes less than one gram, and the rest is almost entirely corn starch as an auxiliary ingredient.

Which is safe and non-toxic, and does not have any side effects.

And if so, there is no need to register any patent for the remedy.

After all, the efficacy of the Blood Dispersion Heart Relief Pill relies on the refinement and sublimation of spiritual energy.

Without this part of spiritual energy refinement, its medicinal power is exactly on the same level as ordinary medicines.

Even if those top pharmaceutical companies, using the most advanced instruments and equipment, research its ingredients to the bottom and up to the sky,

It is by no means possible to make any breakthrough in the production, the efficacy is impossible to reach the level of blood circulation heart relief pills.

However, Charlie feels that all cancer patients, no matter what kind of cancer they have, are bound to face the same dilemma, that is, a sharp decline in physical quality.

Many patients in the middle and late stages of cancer are not only as thin as wood, but even walking and talking are very difficult for them.

The reason for this is that the body’s vitality and nutrition are almost drained by cancer cells.

In some severe cases, their health is so poor that they are unable to receive chemotherapy or surgery.

If the cancer cells can be controlled, but also to enhance the patient’s body quality, to replenish their vital energy, then the effect of treatment will naturally be twice as effective with half the effort.

Therefore, he then decided to find out a better qi replenishing remedy from the “Nine Great Heavenly Scriptures”.

At that time, this qi-supplementing prescription would be used as the diluent for the Blood Dispersing and Heart Relief Pill.

However, in the Nine Great Heavenly Scriptures, there are simply too many medicinal recipes for great tonics.

Charlie searched his mind for a long time, finally picking the most suitable prescription.

This prescription is named Solid Gold Life Renewing Pill, which was an untold secret of the royal family back then.

It had a very good nourishing effect on patients with weak qi and blood.

This was a good formula specially used by ancient imperial doctors to replenish the vital energy of patients who had been sick for a long time and had insufficient qi and blood, and it was very effective.

So, after eating, Charlie wrote the prescriptions for Solid Gold Life Renewing Pill, and JX Liver Protecting Tablets to Liang.

After Liang got the prescription, he immediately started to apply for a patent, and at the same time intended to organize a team with a high degree of secrecy to carry out a trial production of the medicine.

Chapter 3714

Charlie instructed him, “Solid Gold Life Renewing Pill must be boiled into a medicinal soup, then the medicinal soup will be air-dried and prepared into powder.”

“After the powder is made, send it to me to the Champs-Elysees Hot Spring Villa, where I will make the medicinal powder into JX Reclaiming Pills.”

After that, Charlie said: “When these Pills are made, you take it the first time to the United States,”

“You must find a way to meet the person directly responsible for drug import approval,”

“Give the JX Reclaiming Pills into the hands of the party, if the other party is still oil and salt,”

“Put the word to him, if you do not let the other drugs of JX Pharmaceutical smoothly enter the U.S. market, then JX Reclaiming Pills will be completely kept away from the U.S. market.”

Liang asked, “Master Wade, if they agree to give the green light to JX Pharmaceutical’s other drugs in exchange for JX Reclaiming Pills to be marketed in the U.S.,”

“What should we do? After all, as you said, it is also difficult to achieve the real sense of mass production of JX Reclaiming Pills ……”

Charlie laughed: “Do not worry about this, then say that our production process is very tedious and complex, has not been able to find a breakthrough point,”

“So can not achieve mass production, then give them a few hundred or thousands of boxes each year to mean, think they can not say anything.”

Liang immediately said respectfully, “I understand, Master Wade, don’t worry, I will go back later and arrange a trial production, and call you first after it is made!”

“I will personally take it to the United States when the JX Reclaiming Pill is finished!”

After saying that, Liang looked at the time and said with some impatience, “Master Wade, if you have nothing else to order, then I will go back to the factory and arrange the work now!”

“Good.” Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said, “Then you hurry up and get busy, I won’t keep you.”

“Okay Master Wade! I’ll take my leave first!”

Liang put the prescription away carefully and hurriedly bid farewell to leave.

After Liang left, Issac said to Charlie, “Young master, during this period of time, Liang’s progress is visible to the nak3d eye,”

“Not only is his work logical and organized, but his whole person also seems more and more confident, compared to the previous Liang who was obsequiously following Barena Wei’s side, it’s a world of difference.”

Charlie nodded his head and smiled, and said approvingly, “Liang had been in the Wei family for so many years and he was lying down and enduring humiliation, now that he has such a good opportunity, he will naturally burst out with stronger motivation.”

At this time, Orvel’s phone received a push from a news app, and subconsciously said offhand: “Young master, the news said, that Helena, will soon hold a coronation ceremony!”

The words just fell, Charlie and Issac’s cell phones, also received multiple pushes one after another.

These tweets were almost all sent from the country’s major news platforms and Internet platforms, and the content and title were almost the same: “The new Nordic empress Helena Iliad will soon be officially unveiled at the Royal Palace!”

Only then did Charlie realize that Helena, who was far away in Northern Europe, should soon take a carriage and go from the palace to the cathedral to receive the coronation!

And Helena, as the first new empress to ascend the throne in the past thirty years, so the world’s attention, even in China, there are many netizens eagerly waiting.

After all, it is not often that an empress as young and beautiful as Helena is seen in history, so she is very desirable in both looks and status.

It is for this reason that her coronation ceremony today has received the eager attention of the world.

Chapter 3715

Charlie opened a video software, the opening screen advertising is written in the words of the Nordic Queen coronation ceremony live.

He then directly from the advertising bit clicked in, the screen loaded out, it is the main entrance to the Nordic Palace.

At this time, the host’s voice came: “According to the coronation ceremony process announced by the Nordic royal family, in five minutes, that is, at 2:00 pm local time and 8:00 am Nordic time,”

“The new Nordic Queen Helena Iliad, who is about to be crowned, will depart from here and take the royal carriage to Oslo City Cathedral!”

“The scene can be seen outside the palace gates at this moment, has been occupied by the world’s media!”

“It is reported that the global synchronization in the audience watching this coronation ceremony, has exceeded 200 million people!”

“I believe that by the time the coronation ceremony starts at 10:00 a.m. Nordic time, the number will be 300 million, 400 million, or even more!”

“Then according to the news released by the Nordic royal family, all the royal families in Europe will send their direct representatives to attend this ceremony today, “

“But we are not sure which royal family members will participate yet, we will not know until after the Oslo City Cathedral.”

“Please keep your eyes locked on the news headlines, we will live broadcast the whole process of the coronation of Queen Helena Iliad without interruption for you!”

At this moment, viewers all over the world were in front of the screen, anticipating Helena’s appearance.

More than thirty years have passed since the crowning of the world’s last empress, so the world is curious about Helena, the new empress, at this moment when she is about to be crowned and enthroned.

Orvel and Issac could not help but open the live streaming of the video website at this time.

Both of them, who had seen Helena with their own eyes, also knew that earlier that she was just a puppet who had no one to rely on in the royal family and was used by the royal family as a tool for marriage.

However, only a few days have passed, she is already going to succeed the throne as the new empress, this change, simply turned the world upside down.

And they also know very well that the reason why Helena was able to completely turn her life around and move to the top, all thanks to Charlie’s blessing.

At this time, the host of the live broadcast could not restrain his excitement and said:

“What you can see now is the royal carriage has been under the escort of the royal guard, slowly moving towards the entrance of the palace,”

“This carriage has said to have a history of more than three hundred years, the past eleven Nordic kings and queens, rode in this carriage, from the palace to the City Cathedral. “

“According to some local media people, this carriage began a complete renovation six months ago, and it was originally prepared for the last heir to the throne, Princess Olivia Iliad,”

“But I did not expect the throne’s heir to take a peak turn, just three days ago, the current Queen suddenly announced that the throne will be passed to Helena Iliad.”

“Now there is one minute before Helena Iliad’s scheduled boarding time, let’s look forward to it together, this new Nordic empress!”

As soon as the words fell, several male guards wearing red uniforms, wearing bearskin hats, and carrying rifles on their shoulders could be seen in the middle of the screen, walking out from inside the palace in two square teams.

The host said with some excitement: “Friends and viewers, now you see the Royal Guard of the Royal family of Northern Europe,”

“You can see that their honor guard costumes, and the Royal Guard of Britain’s costumes are very similar, this red uniform, bearskin hat dress, in the European royal family has more than two hundred years of history!”

“And as soon as the Royal Guard of Honour makes its appearance, it also signals that the new Empress Helena Iliad, who will be crowned soon, will also make her appearance!”

Chapter 3716

Just in the frame now is Helena, wearing a long white dress, dressed like a beautiful princess in a fairy tale.

In the company of several royal women, with a solemn pace, coming out from the palace slowly.

At this moment dressed up Helena, really beautiful as a fairy, a scene, do not know how many men’s hearts captured.

And her face, there is no longer the panic and helplessness of the previous kind of desperate to be slaughtered.

In its place, there is unprecedented strong confidence.

Outside the palace, cheers.

Not only the Nordic people who were watching from afar were excited, but also the overseas media, each and every one of them was excited to attach.

The host couldn’t help but sigh: “Now I’m surrounded by almost all the sounds of awe and admiration, and almost all of those who made these sounds are senior media people who have seen all kinds of big waves,”

“Just now on the live broadcast beside me, is the largest media in Britain, their host just sighed, said Helena Iliad’s style, reminding him of Princess Diana back then Her posture and temperament, compared to Princess Diana is also more than ever!”

At this moment, Helena stopped her figure and stood at the entrance of the palace, waving far away to those frenzied people.

The camera of the live broadcast quickly drew closer and gave Helena a full-body close-up.

And the Helena under the close-up shot was even more beautiful to the point of incomparable.

The host couldn’t help but feel at this point: “I have to say, Helena Iliad is just too beautiful, everyone on the scene is shocked by her beauty, so you can imagine how happy the Nordic people are inside at this moment!”

At this time, the camera noticed a brooch worn on Helena’s left side of her chest, and then the camera quickly zoomed in and gave a close-up of that brooch.

The host then said: “Viewers can see that the camera is now giving a close-up of Helena wearing a brooch, which should be a leaf made of gold, looks very fine, and at the bottom of this leaf, also with tiny diamonds spell out two letters, respectively C and W.”

Saying that the host added: “I think this chest pin should have extraordinary significance for Helena Iliad,”

“As for the two letters C and W, there is a great possibility that it is the abbreviation of a person’s name,”

“Just like Michael Jackson abbreviated MJ, just do not know this CW, in the end, what is the abbreviation of the name, but it is certain that if it really is an abbreviation of a person’s name, then that person should be very important to Helena Iliad.”

Speaking here, the host laughed: “I believe that at this moment all the viewers in the West should be wondering what CW actually stands for.

And if it is really the initials of a person’s name, then who exactly is it, and it is estimated that in a few minutes, the speculation about the two letters is likely to become a big hit in Western social media!”

At this time, both Issac and Orvel looked at Charlie at the same time.

Others couldn’t figure out what these two letters represented, but Issac and Orvel could tell at a glance that it definitely represented Charlie.

Combined with the fact that the brooch itself was in the shape of a leaf, which happened to represent Charlie’s surname, it was even more stone-cold.

Charlie also did not expect that the brooch that Helena instructed him to look out for over the phone would be a leaf representing his surname, as well as the phonetic initials of his name.

In his opinion, Helena is cautious and should not make such a small egg on such a major occasion, because it will certainly make the outside world concoct many suspicions, which is certainly not good for her.

What’s more unexpected is that at this time, she stood in front of the palace gate, after waving to the crowd several times, she actually gently k!ssed her right fingertip, and then gently covered the fingertip on the brooch on her chest!

The media at the scene exploded!

The keen media people speculated the real intention of Helena’s move, and that Chinese host couldn’t help but exclaim: “Everyone should have seen Helena Iliad’s action just now,”

“If I’m not wrong, she should be indirectly k!ssing that brooch of hers!”

“You know, she is now in the presence of hundreds of millions of viewers all over the world!”

“To make such an action at such a time without evasion is enough to see that this brooch is extremely significant to her!”

Issac looked at Charlie at this time and said with a smile, “Young master, this should be a confession of love to you again across the air ……”

Charlie helplessly shook his head and said, “If this is really the case, it only means that she can not carry what is more important,”

“Such a major occasion of the coronation of the new emperor, how can you take such a risk to engage with such a small mind, it is completely more than worth the loss ……”

Orvel heave a smile, seriously: “Master Wade, perhaps for people like Helena, coronation or not, enthroned or not, those are not important, taking this opportunity to confess to you in front of the world is the most important!”

Chapter 3717

At this time, the Western media and netizens have already exploded with an increasing number of audience.

Everyone was speculating what Helena’s intention was in choosing to wear such a brooch on her chest on this incredibly important occasion today.

If the letters C and W are really the initials of a person’s name, then who would that person be?

For a while, there was a lot of speculation on the internet.

And even many Chinese netizens began to gossip.

But since everyone had the preconceived notion that if these two letters represent the abbreviation of a person’s name, then that person’s name must be a western man’s name, they simply couldn’t guess the correct answer.

After all, except for those people who appeared on Mountain on the day of the Qingming Festival, no one would have thought that the two letters actually represented the initials of a Chinese person’s name.

And at this point, the live broadcast was still going on.

Helena had already boarded the historic royal carriage with the help of two royal attendants.

The carriage then slowly left the palace under escort at the front and back by guards of the royal guards, and headed towards the Oslo City Cathedral.

Along the way, the public greeted the carriage, and fanatical fans chanted Helena’s name.

The host then introduced: “It is understood that there is a total of seven kilometers from the palace to the cathedral, and Helena Iliad will take the carriage and finish the journey in one hour.”

Hearing this, Charlie realized that the next hour is the picture of Helena sitting on the carriage, so he said to Issac: “Mr. Issac, send me to Song’s group.”

“Okay young master.” Issac hurriedly agreed.

Orvel at the side also hurriedly stood up and said, “Master Wade, I’ll see you off!”

On the way Charlie left Orvel’s restaurant and went to the Song Group, Helena was sitting on the open carriage, constantly waving to the people on both sides of the road.

Charlie kept his cell phone live broadcast on, and turned off the sound temporarily after he arrived at the Song Group.

Warnia was in-person waiting in front of the Song Group’s lobby.

When Issac parked the car and Charlie stepped out of the car, Warnia came forward and said respectfully, “Master Wade, you are here!”

Charlie smiled, “Why did you even come down personally.”

Warnia looked very happy and said with a light smile, “You are here, how can I wait in the office, naturally I have to come down to greet you.”

After saying that, she hurriedly made an invitation gesture and said, “Master Wade, after you.”

Charlie nodded and instructed Issac, “Mr. Issac, after you park the car, come to Warnia’s office to talk about the auction.”

Issac said, “Okay young master, you go up first, I’ll come after you.”

So, Charlie went with Warnia and came all the way to her office.

Once he entered, she invited him to sit down on the sofa and couldn’t help but start teasing him, saying with a smile, “Master Wade, did you watch the live broadcast of Helena’s coronation ceremony?”

Charlie casually said, “I watched it.”

Warnia looked at him with a nightmare smile like a flower and asked, “Master Wade, that brooch that Helena wore, it should be showing love to you from across the sky, right?”

Chapter 3718

Charlie was helpless and asked her back, “Warnia, when did you become so gossipy, this is not like yourself.”

Warnia smiled lightly and said seriously, “I’m not the most gossipy, just when I saw that brooch on Helena’s chest in the live feed, Nanako called me and said that we both have another love rival this time.”

Charlie asked her, “Did you tell Nanako that I was coming to your company?”

“Of course.” Warnia smiled and said, “It was Nanako who asked me to ask you, she felt at first sight that Helena was showing her love to you, and I share her opinion.”

Saying that Warnia said with a few flirtatious tones, “Master Wade, now the whole world is guessing who CW really is,”

“It is estimated that this fever will continue for some time, you must keep a low profile recently, otherwise if people guess that you are CW, it will be troublesome.”

Charlie shook his head and said slightly helplessly, “Let’s talk about the auction.”

Warnia saw that Charlie intended to avoid this topic, so she didn’t flirt too much and said seriously, “Master Wade, what are you going to do about the auction for the Rejuvenating Pill this time?”

Charlie said, “I plan to have the Wade family and the Song family join hands to hold it, and the venue will be chosen at Shangri-La.”

Warnia asked, “Master Wade if the Wade family participates publicly, will it not bring unnecessary trouble to your identity?”

Charlie said, “I will only offer the Rejuvenating Pill in this auction, I will not participate in the specific operation, and it will be the Wade family and the Song family who will appear on the stage.”

“And the Wade family has never held an auction of antiques, so we have to rely on you Antique Hall to bring out all the good things that are in the box to support the scene.”

Warnia smiled, “Don’t worry, I will bring out the best collection of Antique Hall!”

After that, she asked, “Right, Master Wade, when the Rejuvenating Pill is auctioned off, there will always be an introduction to the Pill,”

“Should we mention your name then? After all, it is made by you.”

“No need.” Charlie shook his head and said, “I have already thought about the text of the Rejuvenating Pill.”

“Just say that the Song family was entrusted by a mysterious seller in Aurous Hill to put the two Rejuvenating Pills up for auction,”

“And the Song family was worried that they had not enough power to run the auction, so they took the initiative to cooperate with the Wade family,”

“And as for the identity of the mysterious seller, just say that they promised the other party to keep it absolutely confidential.”

Speaking of this, Charlie put out his overall layout of the future auction, in detail.

After hearing this, Warnia said with gratitude and surprise:

“Master Wade, what you said are all business secrets worth thousands of dollars, why did you tell me so casually?”

Charlie said with a smile, “Business secrets are also divided into people, to outsiders, some are indeed business secrets, but to friends, even if they are business secrets, it does not matter.”

After a pause, Charlie continued, “I personally am very optimistic about this opportunity, there is such a good opportunity,”

“It is natural for good friends to share together, I can’t eat up all the dividends of the future development of Aurous Hill alone,”

“And I hope that we can work together in the future for a long time, each taking what we need.”

Warnia said gratefully, “Master Wade, I understand.”

Charlie nodded and smiled, and said, “Right, this time, the reason why we want to do the auction of the Rejuvenating Pill jointly with you,”

“Mainly because we also hope that Antique Hall can take this opportunity to make their own brand influence,”

“Once our auction attracts the world’s top tycoons, then Sotheby’s, Christie’s compared to us, naturally will fall behind.”

“More and more rich people will come to Aurous Hill to attend this auction, more and more collections will be eager to be on the auction, and we, as the organizer, will take more and more commissions from it.”

“However, I can give you a promise, no matter how long this auction is held, the Wade family only cares about the auction of the Rejuvenating Pill,”

“As for the auction of other collectibles at the event, all of them will be given to your Antique Hall to operate,”

“As long as you do a good enough job, I believe that in no time, Antique Hall’s popularity in the auction field will surpass Sotheby’s and Christie’s!”

Chapter 3719

Charlie’s words caused Warnia’s heart to surge instantly.

She had always wanted to make the business of collectibles trading and auction bigger and stronger, but had never found a suitable breakthrough point.

It was precisely because she attached great importance to this business that she had immediately befriended Charlie.

After seeing with her own eyes that he could restore her family’s antiques with the lost relic restoration technology at her store Antique Hall.

She originally hoped to recruit him to Antique Hall to work for the Song family.

But how could she have expected that Charlie, who was just a superfluous son-in-law at first, was actually the young master of the Wade family from the capital, and his strength was extremely powerful.

Therefore, her wish to revitalize Antique Hall through Charlie has long since fizzled out.

Since then, Antique Hall has not been able to find a better opportunity for development.

The industry of collectibles, although it seems to be too far away from ordinary people, and rarely hear any big action,

But this industry is an uncompromisingly profitable industry, and the market size is huge.

For a big auction house, auction turnovers may be in the tens of billions of dollars, if there is a super explosive item, the amount of sales is even higher.

Sometimes, just with the auction of a painting, the auction house can bring hundreds of millions of dollars in turnover.

The auction is also very profitable, and its profitability is broadly divided into self-employment or commission.

Self-employment is the traditional antique market model of buying low and selling high.

Commissions are the main revenue channel of auctions.

Generally speaking, auction houses charge commissions ranging from 5% to 15% on lots, and the more prestigious the auction house, the higher the percentage of commission.

Under normal circ*mstances, if a famous painting is sold for $100 million, the auction house can get $15 million just for the commission.

This translated into RMB, almost 100 million.

Therefore, the larger the auction house, the more geometrically enhanced the ability to make money.

In an auction of tens of billions of dollars, just the brokerage commission will have more than a billion cash income.

Such auctions held twice a year, billions of net profit will come to hand.

Moreover, once the auction becomes bigger and stronger, it can bring more profits than just commission, but the overall improvement of the whole industry chain.

Generally speaking, under a big auction house, there will also be multiple collectibles stores, because the auction house is famous enough, so they have these stores, and the customer traffic is also very large.

Such collectibles stores will not only operate and sell ordinary collectibles but also provide fee-based appraisal services and paid in-store consignment sales to individual sellers as well as collectors.

Many collectibles that are not qualified for auctions, but have some value, are sold privately in these stores.

Since the store is open all year round, the turnover accumulated in a year is also sky-high, in which the commission profit is not lower than that of auctions in any way.

Chapter 3720

However, this powerful ability to absorb money is limited to the top few large companies in the industry.

For Warnia’s Antique Hall, the net profit at the end of the year, even less than one or two hundred million.

The reason why Antique Hall can’t do it is not that Warnia didn’t work hard enough, but they can’t get good things in the real sense.

Without enough good things, there is absolutely no capital to compare with those top auction houses.

When the top auction houses auction Van Gogh, auction Picasso, auction Paul Gauguin, or Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, the world’s leading masters of the famous paintings, they can not even get a pair of paintings sold for more than ten million.

The reason for this is the lack of visibility, those big collectors simply can not give things to Antique Hall for auction.

Warnia, who was suffering from not being able to find a good opportunity, was suddenly pulled by Charlie with the Rejuvenating Pill, which made her inwardly grateful to him, and at the same time, she could not help but have a surging heart.

This was because she was well aware of the value of the Rejuvenating Pill, and probably there was nothing more in this world that could be collected that could be compared to a top-level divine medicine like it.

Therefore, she can almost already foresee that the auction of this Pill will definitely set a historical record.

This, naturally, is a good opportunity for Antique Hall to make a name for itself.

It’s the same as a third-tier starlet finally having the opportunity to perform on the same stage with the top stars in this world, an absolutely great opportunity for a chicken and a dog to rise to the top!

Therefore, she was very excited and said to him: “Master Wade, don’t worry, I will do my best to make this auction the best!”

Charlie nodded and said with a slight touch of emotion, “Although Antique Hall is the property of your Song family, it has extraordinary significance to me ……”

“So Warnia, you must make Antique Hall’s fame bigger and stronger, and it will not be in vain of my one destiny with it.”

At the beginning at Antique Hall, if father-in-law hadn’t mistakenly knocked over that antique vase, Charlie would never have had the opportunity to obtain the Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures.

If there was no “Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures”, today’s Aurous Hill, there would only be only another random Charlie Wade, not Master Wade.

That’s why he felt in his heart that Antique Hall meant a lot to him.

However, he did not know that Warnia, who was beside him, heard these words and misunderstandings arose in her heart.

Hearing Charlie’s exclamation, Warnia’s heart immediately rippled, and her eyes looked at him like spring water, full of deep love.

In fact, for Warnia, who had always loved Charlie, she had long regarded Antique Hall as one of the most important places in her life.

However, she did not expect that he would also find Antique Hall to be very significant.

This made her mistakenly think that this feeling of Charlie was all because of her.

At the same time also made her feel that she loved Charlie for so long, it seems not wishful thinking, at least his heart, also has a place for her.

Touched, she also can’t help but sigh softly feeling shy: “Master Wade …… thank you for taking Antique Hall so important ……”

“In fact Antique Hall for me …… equally significant ……”

Speaking of this, she looked with affectionate eyes towards him and softly said, “Master Wade, when I first met you, although I seemed to be the first lady of the Song family,”

“I was actually only responsible for this piece of business of Antique Hall in the Song family, and at that time, I never dreamed that I could one day become the head of the Song family ……”

“Until …… until that day …… in Antique Hall, I met you ……”

“It is also because of you that I have been able to live today and have everything that I have today ……”

Chapter 3721

At this moment, Warnia’s eyes were already filled with tears.

In the case of the Song Group, which has a market capitalization of 100 billion, it is just a little insignificant side material.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

So, when the Song family gave her the Antique Hall business, it was like sending her away with such a small profit.

Warnia did not care about this at that time, she also knew that she was just a woman, and did not have parents to rely on, so she was already very satisfied that the Song family had given her Antique Hall.

However, what she could not imagine was that her life, in Antique Hall, ushered in the biggest twist.

That twist was Charlie.

Without Charlie, she might have died in the Dragon Trap Formation, or at the hands of her uncle and cousin, and how could she have survived all the calamities and become the Song family head today?

Charlie did not expect that his mention of Antique Hall would cause Warnia to choke back tears.

Seeing this, he thought she was lamenting over the several ups and downs and tribulations in the past, so he hurriedly spoke to comfort,

“The bad things are all in the past, you are now the head of the Song family, you still need to be strong and look forward.”

Warnia nodded hastily, wiping her tears while smiling, “Sorry, Master Wade, let you look at the joke ……”

Charlie smiled heartily: “I don’t mind, but soon Issac will come up, if he sees you like this, I don’t know what he will think.”

Saying that Charlie with some surprise, muttered: “By the way, this guy went to park the car what took him so long?”

At this time, the Song Group downstairs.

Issac took a puff of the cigarette, saw the cigarette roll had burned to the end, then lifted his hand, looked at his wristwatch, muttered in a low voice:

“It’s almost 10 minutes, it’s about time, right?”

Thinking of this, he could not help but mutter: “Young master and Miss Song must have a lot of private conversations that they do not want me to hear,”

“More time for the two of them to be alone, I think it will not be wrong.”

After saying that, he immediately dropped the cigarette that had burned out in his hand, and took another one out of his pocket to relight it.

After this cigarette was finished, he slowly went upstairs and arrived at Warnia’s office door.

He carefully listened to the door for a few seconds and found no strange movements before he boldly knocked on the door.

At this time, Warnia had also gradually recovered from the emotion she had just felt, and when she heard the knock, she hurriedly said loudly, “Please come in!”

Only then did Issac push the door in and politely say, “Young master, Miss Song.”

Charlie was surprised and asked him, “Did you park the car back at Shangri-La? What took you so long to come up?”

Issac was busy smiling twice and explained, “No, I was just about to come up when I answered a phone call, so I was delayed for a while.”

Saying that, he hurriedly asked, “Young master, what did you and Miss Song talk about?”

Charlie said, “Just talking about the auction when the time comes, you and Warnia will take the lead together.”

“No problem.” Issac agreed without a second thought and said to Warnia, “Miss Song, I don’t know much about the specific antique auction,”

“So I may have to rely mainly on you for this piece, I will be responsible for the preliminary publicity, software development, and online, as well as the entire auction site support,”

“The specific process and execution of the auction, you have to be the gatekeeper.”

Warnia hurriedly said, “You don’t have to be so polite with me, it’s always you, I’m really ashamed of it.”

She added: “As for the specific process and execution of the auction, I will certainly operate no problem, but what I am most worried about now is the selection of auction items ……”

Charlie asked, “What are the specific problems in the selection of the auction items?”

Chapter 3722

Warnia said with a somewhat embarrassed expression, “I’m not going to hide it from you, although Antique Hall’s reputation in the Aurous Hill antique market is not small,”

“But if you look at the national collectibles market, it’s just second or third rate, so our customer resources and auction resources are not too good,”

“And the collection resources we can find are relatively average, so when it comes time to give a big name a stage to sing, I’m afraid it’s a bit unstageable ……”

“Antique Hall’s current treasure of the store, is a real painting of Mr. Qi Baishi, but that painting is not a masterpiece, so its market value is only about 80 million ……”

After listening to it, Charlie couldn’t help but laugh: “I thought what is it, it turns out you’re worried about this.”

Warnia said seriously: “Whether an auction is upscale or not, it mainly depends on the geometry of the collection we take out.”

“Although the Rejuvenating Pill can definitely fetch a sky-high price, but if the other accompanying lots are more general, I’m afraid it will bring down the grade of the Rejuvenating pill and discredit you, Master Wade ……”

Charlie laughed: “This is too easy to solve.”

After saying that, Charlie paused and said confidently, “When you advertise the auction, add a collectibles collection message,”

“And welcome all those who sign up for the auction to take out one of the most valuable items from their own collections and add it to the auction’s lots as well.”

Warnia said somewhat hesitantly, “Master Wade, those who can afford to auction the Rejuvenating Pills are, I’m afraid, the richest group of people in this world,”

“And they buy collectibles, just like a brave, only in and out, and have never heard of them taking out their own collections to participate in the auction unless it’s some charity auction event.”

Here, Warnia added: “But when they participate in charity auctions, it is not possible to take out the most expensive collections, and generally take out a few hundred thousand to several million dollars worth of collectibles, the auction money directly goes to the charity fund.”

Issac also said with a look of approval: “Young master, the rich people to buy collectibles, just like the usual old lady shopping in the market to buy cabbage,”

“Even if the family piled up like a mountain, will not be sold outside, at most is to spend some money to set up a museum,”

“And then all their products are put into the museum, to the public display, indeed rarely heard that they are willing to take out the collection to sell. I’m afraid they won’t respond at all.”

Charlie laughed: “This matter is not difficult, when the publicity begins, you will let the public out, saying that the organizer will select twenty of the most representative collections from the registered collections for auction,”

“Then all the participants of the auction, all of these twenty collections to vote anonymously, at the end of the auction, the organizer will count the votes on site,”

“The one with the most votes, the owner of the collection with the most votes will receive an additional quarter of the Rejuvenating Pill!”

Speaking of this, Charlie said with a bit of contempt in his eyes: “The vast majority of rich people may not really understand art and collection, they just like to use the sky-high collection to show off their style and wealth,”

“Or use the collection to seek the appreciation of assets, once there is the temptation of higher interests, they do not care about such extraneous things as collectibles, will certainly put their most valuable, once there is the temptation of higher interests,”

“They do not care about such extraneous things as collectibles, they will definitely bring out the most important things out.”

Warnia said: “Master Wade …… even a quarter of the rejuvenation pills, is also extremely precious, used in this matter, will not be a little waste ……”

Charlie waved his hand and said, “Want to do a big scene, this cost or to take out one, imagine, if the day we selected twenty pieces of the collection, all worth more than 100 million dollars of top art,”

“Plus the final finale with the Rejuvenating Pill, that this auction is absolutely going to be one of its kind. After seeing this no other top auction house is going to organize any more auctions for a long time.”

Chapter 3723

Charlie finalized the details of the auction with Warnia and Issac and became much more at ease with this matter.

The next step was to wait for the Rejuvenating Pill to make some noise in the high society of Europe and America, and then release the news of the auction in the same way.

At this moment, Helena’s royal carriage had just arrived at the cathedral in Oslo.

This centuries-old cathedral is the largest and most magnificent church in Northern Europe, with a medieval architectural style.

Not only a strong Renaissance temperament, but also a clever blend of Baroque style, is the landmark of the Nordic capital, Oso City.

Since its construction, this church has witnessed the coronation of several kings and queens.

Now, it will welcome the youngest empress in Nordic history, Helena Iliad.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, Helena slowly stepped out of the carriage and, accompanied by a number of attendants, walked up the stone-paved walkway outside the Cathedral.

On both sides of the walkway, there were flowers still condensed with dew, and the soldiers of the Royal Guard stood on both sides of the road with rifles in their hands, solemnly watching Helena walk in slowly.

According to the royal process, Helena should take at least 5 minutes to walk slowly through the stone path, and also need to turn around at the entrance of the church and stop for a moment to wave to everyone.

And at this moment, the cathedral has been filled with the entire European royal family, nobility, and celebrities.

Europe is not a large area, many countries that still retain their royal families, in fact, hundreds of years ago, began to constantly intermarry with each other.

Basically tied to each other, and even some of them are not out of the five services by now.

Sitting in the first row of the church, almost all of the royal family’s direct relatives, the most famous of them, are Britain’s Crown Prince Philip and his consort.

The Crown Prince Philip is now over seventy years old, is the oldest crown prince in the whole of Europe.

Because the Crown Prince is only a duke’s title, so the status is lower than the Queen.

Even if Helena is more than 40 years younger than him, he still has to represent the British royal family, to pay a visit to Helena, the newly promoted Queen.

Although Helena has not yet entered, but at this time, from the front of the church in the side door, a gorgeous old lady, accompanied by a few attendants, walked in.

As soon as the people saw this old lady, they immediately let out a cry of surprise.

Because this old lady is no one else, it is the current Queen of Northern Europe.

That is, Helena’s grandmother.

Her sudden appearance here made the guests in the whole church feel very surprised.

Because they just a few days ago, received a secret letter from the Nordic royal family.

The secret letter informed the Queen’s consciousness has been completely lost, the body has been on the verge of death, and even said that her death is just the latest thing within a month.

This kind of secret letter, is the entire European royal family in modern times between the convention.

Chapter 3724

A couple of hundred years ago the European royal family, in fact, has been full of all kinds of rivalry.

Back then, several large countries in Europe or a bunch of small countries kept busy fighting among themselves.

Even if everyone up to the number of relatives, but really hit anxious eyes, who do not care about these blood kinship.

However, since the modern era, the royal families of various countries have handed over real power.

With the implementation of the constitutional monarchy, these European royal families have lost the kingdoms, but become unusually united, quite a kind of warmth of the frame.

Once there is a king or queen of any kingdom in poor health, or even to the state of dying, the royal family will send a secret letter to the other royal families, so that the other side know in advance, and ready to come to mourn and participate in time.

And generally come to mourn, are one of the crown prince, or a prestigious prince.

Otherwise, in case anyone happens to be out of the country during this time, they might miss the funeral.

So these people have always felt that the old Queen of Northern Europe, is already dying, changing the heir to the throne, it is likely to be the return of light before death.

But who would have thought that the old woman walked into the church!

The state of the Queen’s walk, although not as healthy as flying, but as a 70-year-old woman, is considered to be very steady.

Moreover, the Queen’s rosy complexion and relaxed expression, not at all like a person who is seriously ill and almost dying.

As the Queen walked to the first row of people, Duke Philip was the first to come back to his senses, rising with a shocked face and saluting respectfully,

“Your Majesty, it’s been a long time, you look no worse than the last time I saw you!”

The Queen nodded slightly and said with a smile, “Philip, how is your mother’s health?”

Philip was busy saying, “She was slightly unwell some time ago, and is still recovering, after all, she is old, so her recovery is slower.”

“Yes ……” the Queen sighed: “Almost a hundred years old, it is indeed remarkable.”

At this time, the others looked at the empress, still did not come back from the shock, because they found that the empress no matter walking, talking, mannerisms, do not look sick at all.

This is also a little too strange, even if she recovered from a serious illness, it is impossible to be so completely well all of a sudden, right?

Some older, the heart has begun to secretly ponder, wonder what the Queen used in the end, to recover so quickly as before, is there any significant development of medical technology in Northern Europe?

However, the entire European gang of old royals, old aristocrats and old tycoons, who are watching the development of medicine in Europe, and even many of those sitting here have invested in a number of pharmaceutical companies and related scientific research companies.

If there is any wind, everyone will certainly know about it.

After all, these people are very old, and very rich and powerful, so the more to this time, the more life is cherished.

They come out to meet their friends on various occasions, they have long ceased to pay attention to what the other party is wearing, what they are wearing, but most concerned about the other party’s overall look, so as to deduce the other party’s health.

If the other party looks good, must break the sand pot to the end, to see what he has in the end the way to maintain health.

At this time, then listen to the old queen very seriously said to Duke Philip: “Philip, I recommend to you and Her Majesty a very miraculous oriental divine medicine, the name of this medicine is rejuvenation Pill!”

When these words came out, not only was Duke Philip dumbfounded, but even those other people who did not speak next to him were also stunned speechless.

Someone secretly muttered, “Rejuvenating Pill? What is that thing? Eastern divine medicine? Could it be that the Queen was cured by this divine medicine?”

Others were thinking the same thing.

Chapter 3725

At this moment, listen to the empress said: “I have been seriously ill, the whole of the top experts here had announced that I will not live more than a month,”

“And this last month I was unlikely to wake up, but my good granddaughter Helena, from distant China, brought me a quarter of the rejuvenation pill ……”

Speaking of this, the Queen with an exclamation and aggravated the tone, repeated: “Just a quarter of a pill ah! It is less than the size of a bean!”

“It brought me back to life! The doctor examined my body and said I could live at least five more years! This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever encountered in my life!”

“If it wasn’t for the fact that this miracle medicine came from faraway China, I would even think it was God’s gift to me ……”

The Queen’s voice was not very loud when she said this, but these words, like an explosive thunder, triggered a roar in the church!

The Western countries that believe in modern medicine, almost all Eastern medicines, are naturally looked at with a few questions and resistance.

And these Western dignitaries have enjoyed all the benefits of modern Western medicine.

Their doctors are almost all top figures in the field of medicine, and the latest, best and most expensive drugs in the world are basically provided to them as a matter of priority.

It is also because they have enjoyed so many advantages, so their basic knowledge of Western medicine is also very deep and clear.

Suddenly hearing the Queen herself say that an oriental miracle drug, only a quarter of a pill, will be able to bring her back to life.

And even the doctor said he could live at least five more years, everyone’s first thought was that this is too ridiculous to believe.

However, seeing the Queen’s body so healthy standing in front of her, everyone’s heart and a few questions about themselves occurred.

“Could …… this Oriental miracle medicine really be so miraculous?”

After all, when the Nordic Queen was seriously ill, they all through their own channels, to understand the specific condition of her.

But also all know that her condition on the Western medical basis had been hopeless, impossible to pass this hurdle.

But now, she is standing here healthy, this is the best proof that she is not lying.

Duke Philip was curious and asked, “Your Majesty, I would like to know this rejuvenating elixir you just mentioned, what kind of disease is it a medicine for?”

The Queen said solemnly, “Philip, the rejuvenation elixir is a divine medicine, and since it is a divine medicine, of course, it can cure any disease.

Just like the Bible says that holy water can wash away all evil!”

Duke Philip said awkwardly: “But …… but this logic it is not scientific ah …… we all know that this modern medicine, the vast majority of drugs are specialized drugs to treat specific diseases.”

“Of course, there are a few drugs that can treat a variety of diseases, like the aspirin known as a panacea, but even aspirin, it can not cure all diseases ah ……”

Philip’s words sparked a flurry of agreement from others.

Because in their inherent perception, there can not exist a drug that can cure all diseases, generally speaking, one who can say such words, is either a magician or a liar.

The Queen, in the face of Duke Philip’s questioning, smiled slightly and said with a heavy hand: “Philip, I know you believe in science and modern medicine, how was I ever not the same as you?”

Said, the queen sighed, lamented: “Do you know how painful I was during my serious illness?”

“Everyone thought I had lost consciousness and was in a coma, and even the best medical team of our royal family gave the same result after testing with the best instruments, but you know what? I was actually not in a coma at all!”

When the crowd heard this, they were all even more confused!

Chapter 3726

Duke Philip froze, and only after a moment did he ask in horror: “You …… were you not in a coma? But the news we received was that you have been in a heavy coma for several days, so …… sorry Your Majesty, I didn’t understand you ……”

The Queen said seriously: “Let’s put it this way, the outside world thought that I was in a coma because my body was no longer responsive,”

“But in fact, my body was just completely out of control of my consciousness, my consciousness was still functioning normally in my brain!”

“I could think, I could remember, I could hear the sounds around me, but I was as if sealed by the devil, I could not have any control over any part of my body, I was not even able to open my eyes ……”

Speaking of this, the queen said with a backward look, “That feeling, than being in hell, more helpless and painful ……”

The surrounding people heard this, one by one, their faces were full of fear.

They also thought about their future may be sick, may be seriously ill or even scattered.

But they had never thought that people would experience such loneliness and pain before they die.

Wouldn’t that be in the world, the loneliest person?

At this time, the empress said with a lot of emotion: “The Western medicine you have believed in for so many years, that is also the Western medicine I believed in for so many years before,”

“At the most critical moment of my life, they couldn’t even judge my state at that time, so you still think that Western medicine is the best and most advanced?”

All the people’s expressions were shocked beyond words.

Philip was also stunned, terrified and shattered: “In that case, those who we thought were brain dead vegetative people, it is likely that they are also in this state,”

“It is likely that their consciousness has been alive, and then alone in their own bodies for several years, even a dozen of years ……”

“Yes ……” said the Queen nodding: “I would never have thought of this level before, but when I had personal experience, my view is the same as yours.”

Saying that the Queen said further: “But I was in that desperate situation, I heard the truth that my other granddaughter, Olivia, joined forces with others to plot against me!”

“It was then that I realized that I was not seriously ill, but poisoned! A poison that no one knew about and that no one could cure!”

“If it wasn’t for my good granddaughter Helena, who saved me with the divine medicine she brought back from China after all the hard work, I might still be confined in my own body to this day, waiting for the final descent to death ……”

Hearing this, many people became convinced of the Queen’s words.

Because, the royal family three days ago, had issued a public announcement, the announcement said, Olivia Iliad, for with her fiancé, William Rothschild family, because of the joint plot to kill the Queen, has been ruled by the royal family.

While the royal family also announced to officially fly out Olivia Iliad’s succession to the throne, while giving it to Helena Iliad.

Everyone at first did not quite understand why the Queen’s serious illness was related to Olivia’s departure, and why the throne was suddenly given to Helena, who had long been disinherited.

Now, they finally put it all together.

The Queen is seriously ill, in fact, Olivia’s case, and Helena was able to regain the succession, all because of her rescue!

At this point, the Queen continued: “As for why I firmly believe in this oriental medicine, it is because, the moment I took the medicine, consciousness immediately regained control of the body,”

“And long-term poisoning produced by those toxic side effects, but also in an instant swept away, that moment for me, simply a shift from hell to heaven.”

Speaking of this, the queen looked at Philip with a dull expression and asked him, “Philip, after listening to me, do you still have no doubt about Western medicine?”

Philip said with a bewildered face: “I …… I can’t say …… although I don’t have any doubts about you, but I still feel that all this is indeed a bit unbelievable, I can’t accept it for a while ……”

The Queen smiled slightly and said, “Never mind, this kind of miracle is like a miracle manifestation, indeed only those who experienced it can possibly believe.”

Speaking of this, the empress smiled heartily and said with a grateful face, “Perhaps this also means that I am more favored by God than you all, Jesus once said that only those who believe are able to witness miracles!”

At this moment, an elderly male royalty excitedly asked out of the blue, “Your Majesty, if it is true, as you just said, that there is such a miraculous oriental medicine in this world,”

“Then I dare to ask you, can you give me a quarter of it, or sell it to me, my beloved wife is suffering from a terminal illness, the doctor said she only has six months to live ……”

The queen shook her head and said apologetically, “I’m sorry Malvin, Helena only brought back a quarter of the rejuvenation pill, although I would love to help you, but I can’t help ……”

Chapter 3727

The Queen’s words not only made the royal named Malvern just now feel a lot of regret, even the other people around her who were paying attention to the Queen, each and every one of them had disappointment written all over their faces.

There was no doubt that her words just now had completely convinced these royals and nobles about the Elixir of youth.

And after they believed that the Rejuvenating Pill was real, their biggest thought was that they must find a way to get one.

After all, this divine medicine that can bring back the dead is simply the most precious existence for them, the rich and powerful.

However, the Queen’s words completely shattered their thoughts.

But once they thought that the Rejuvenating Pill could influence life and death, someone immediately asked reluctantly,

“Your Majesty, may I ask how Princess Helena actually found this Pill? Can you trouble her and tell me this channel and pathway, so I can figure it out myself!”

“Yes!” When the others heard this, they also immediately came back to their senses and hurriedly said,

“Your Majesty! I would also like to know where exactly Princess Helena bought this medicine, and if possible, I would also like to buy some to keep as a backup.”

The person who spoke was a great nobleman from England, not only did his family have hereditary titles and fiefdoms, but also transformed into a very successful business these years, and was worth at least 10 billion euros.

This person feels in his heart that this Nordic royal family does not have many assets, not to mention a small Helena, if she can afford to buy this rejuvenating elixir, then he must also be able to, and can buy more!

When the Queen heard these people’s inquiries, she couldn’t help but say, “Ladies and gentlemen, you think this matter is too simple,”

“If this medicine is available somewhere and at a clear price, then I will buy more back even if I have poured my family’s money into it.”

Speaking of this, the Queen’s expression also became serious, sighing: “The key is, for this divine medicine, there is no place to buy, Helena could get it, but also completely because of fate, so if you want to find this medicine, you can only hope on fate.”

“Fate ……” When the crowd heard this word, they couldn’t help but look at each other.

The people who can appear here, each one of them is the epitome of the human essence, although they hang God on their lips every day, but in fact, each one of them in the world, is the most determined materialist.

You know, the ancestors of this group of people, either holding a Bible in their hands, sailing a ship in the European coast in the form of the Vikings burned and looted;”

“Or carrying a Bible in their arms, and then with duck pieces and cannons, blasting open the doors of other countries as invaders;

There was even a Bible in their hands, when they even went to the African continent, directly taking live people back as slaves.

Therefore, this group of people does not believe in any karma at all.

So, someone spoke up and said, “Princess Helena will be coming in soon, can I ask her about the details of the rejuvenation elixir before she is crowned?”

“Right!” The others were immediately inspired, and one by one, they all waited impatiently for Helena to appear.

And at that moment, Helena finally stepped into the Cathedral.

According to the process of the coronation ceremony, Helena needed to take her seat on the platform in front of the church first, and then the archbishop would preside over the subsequent ceremony.

So, she then walked step by step through the clean and straight red carpet, accompanied by several attendants.

Those who passed by her also stood up, saluted, and even applauded her.

However, just as Helena reached the top rows, people around her stuck their heads out one by one and asked after her.

“Princess Helena, may I ask where exactly did you get the rejuvenating elixir from?”

“Yes, Princess Helena! Can you give us some information?”

Chapter 3728

Helena was surprised when she suddenly saw her grandmother smiling at her in the crowd, and immediately understood the reason.

“It was country China and luck, money can not buy, at least not yet, I can only reveal so much.”

Said, then step past the crowd and walked directly to the stage.

These people below are muttering one by one.

“China? China’s billion-plus population, how do I know who has the rejuvenation pills?”

“That’s …… China is much bigger, the land area is not much different from the whole Europe, where can I find the Rejuvenating Pill? How can I find the Rejuvenating Pill like that?”

For a while, the thoughts of each of these people sitting in the front rows were occupied by the Rejuvenating Pill.

They only wanted to know how exactly they could get this rejuvenating elixir.

Soon, Helena’s coronation ceremony officially began.

The media also started at this time, sending live video feeds to the whole world.

The royal coronation ceremony was grand and magnificent, plus Helena was as dazzling as a pearl, causing all the viewers in front of the TV to be in awe.

However, do not know why, sitting in the first few rows of these guests and viewers, but each seems to be preoccupied, distracted look, has been in a somewhat wandering consciousness of the strange state.

At this moment, they only have one thing on their minds, and that is how to get the mysterious and magical rejuvenation pills!


At the same time, the west coast of the United States.

Lai Qinghua, a renowned feng shui master throughout North America, also dialed his first phone call to promote the Rejuvenating Pill for Charlie.

This call was made to his best friend.

This friend, at this time, was also over ninety years old.

Like Dan Mai, he had been eager to know how Lai had become twenty years younger ever since he left that mountain and returned to the United States.

However, Qinghua kept telling him that the heavenly opportunity cannot be revealed.

No matter how he asked, but never mentioned half a word.

There are several times, the other side almost to turn with him, and even directly took out the threat of termination, but Qinghua still did not reveal half a word.

The reason why he did not say anything, but also was really helpless to the extreme.

He himself has a half-knowledge of the fate of the people, it is clear that his friend’s destiny is not such a chance.

What’s more, he received a great favor from Charlie, and how could he turn his head and divulge Charlie’s information?

Charlie is the only person he has met in his life who has the fate of the Dragon Grid, so he knows very well that even if he dies, he cannot touch the scales of the Dragon Grid.

So, he could only keep his mouth shut.

Chapter 3729

In the end, that friend was quite annoyed with him, and even gradually broke off communication.

Qinghua knew very well that his friend, now also has been dying, he struggled all his life, with inexhaustible wealth, now the most he wanted, is to live a few more years.

So, seeing such a big change in himself, he was naturally moved.

He failed to give him an answer he wanted, his heart angry at himself, is also completely understandable.

Even Qinghua himself, because of the shame in his heart, has always felt ashamed to face him.

However, now that Qinghua can finally reveal the news, so the first thing he thought of was this friend!

This friend of Qinghua’s is named Douglas Fei.

Douglas smuggled himself into the United States at the age of 18 to make a living.

And until the time he retired at the age of 80, he had created a business empire worth at least 400 billion dollars, and was a legendary existence in the entire North American Chinese community.

However, this person in the Forbes list did not leave a half trace.

He is the super hidden wealthy that western high society often talks about.

Forbes list counts the funds, mostly the founders of some listed companies and major shareholders, only such people’s assets, it is difficult to hide.

For example, when the world’s richest long-term dominant Bill Gates, his Microsoft had chosen to go public, then the vast majority of Microsoft’s financial information must be open to the outside world.

Such as how much its corporate market value, the securities market can check the data at any time, and Bill Gates himself shareholding how much of Microsoft.

The securities market also has a public disclosure, so it is only necessary to simply do multiplication and division, you can know how much money he holds in the Microsoft stock value.

In addition, how many other listed companies under his name, basically are also public information, find out these companies, one by one, and then sum up a total, is his approximate value.

This kind of topic, even without Forbes, just a person who understands secondary school mathematics, can calculate it.

However, there is a large number of invisible tycoons in this world, although they have countless industries under their hands, but none of the enterprises will choose to go public.

The reason why they are not listed is that they do not want the outside world to know their identity and wealth.

Because, once the enterprise does not choose to go public, then he does not have any obligation to the outside world to disclose their revenue status, so the outside world simply has no way to know how much the enterprise is worth.

What’s more, most of them have their companies scattered in several offshore regions around the world, where the protection of corporate information is as strong as that of Swiss banks, so no one knows how much wealth they actually have.

Douglas when he was young, and this friendship has lasted for over sixty years.

In addition to his own hard work and ability, Fei’s success in the business world is also due to Lai’s guidance.

Over the past decades, the world has undergone many major changes, each representing a huge opportunity, and Fei has almost invariably reaped the dividends.

This also made his relationship with Qinghua even more inimical.

Douglas struggled until he retired at the age of eighty, and after he turned eighty, he searched the world for longevity.

His quest for longevity was not superstitious, but the achievements he made in his life were so brilliant that he could not leave, and he did not have the courage to face death.

In fact, many entrepreneurs who are as successful as he is, are trying every possible way to pursue long life.

Only, the way they pursue longevity is very different from the ancient emperors who sought immortality and medicine.

Chapter 3730

Most of these entrepreneurs pursuing longevity start from science.

For example, a certain man, once the richest man in China, invested billions of dollars in researching the human brain.

Many people say that he invested so much money in researching the brain in the hope of achieving immortality of the human brain.

And Douglas is definitely better than that richest man in this regard.

Over the years, he has successively invested at least two billion dollars in research funding to one of the world’s most sophisticated organ transplantation research laboratories.

In order to explore whether humans can double their life expectancy through large organ transplants.

And in his lifetime, he has undergone multiple organ transplants because of various medical conditions.

In the hands of an ordinary person, with so many major surgeries, I am afraid that even at the age of seventy, he may not be able to live.

Douglas, however, was able to go through so many organ transplants and still live to more than ninety years old, this laboratory takes much credit.

At the same time, he also invested in a brain research program similar to that of the richest man.

Hoping to preserve the human brain and human consciousness when the physical body is irretrievable, so that it can achieve conscious eternal life.

In addition to this, he has invested no less than one billion dollars in the scientific research technology of human cryopreservation.

In order to, on the eve of the human body towards death, and when several other paths have not been taken, his body will be frozen, and then thawed and resurrected in the future when the technology of immortality is mature.

In short, he has planned several directions for himself, hoping that one of them will be successful.

Unfortunately, he invested in these studies, although there are certain scientific results, but far, far away from the immortality, he wants.

This is why he is extremely eager for Lai’s “chance”.

Because of Lai’s tight-lipped nature, he hadn’t had any communication with him for several months.

Suddenly he received a phone call from him, which made the aged man a bit stunned for a while.

Originally he did not intend to answer the call, but after thinking for a moment, he pressed the answer button and said in a nonchalant tone, “Hello, what is it?”

Qinghua was not surprised by this attitude of his and said with a smile, “Old Fei, how are you doing lately?”

“Not too good.” Douglas grunted twice through his nose and said dissatisfiedly, “I’m dying, the doctor said that my body function has almost reached its end, even without any disease, it might die naturally sometime,”

“Unlike you, who found a way to be twenty years younger at once, but are unwilling to share it with your sixty-year old friendship!”

Qinghua said awkwardly, “Old Fei, I know you resent me in your heart, this matter, the reason I did not tell you, because I had to keep my promise ah!”

“Your promise?” Douglas asked in exasperation, “Your promise, is more important than your sixty years old friendship?”

“If I were you, I would rather let myself bear the reputation of breaking my word than pull my old friend!”

Qinghua said helplessly, “Old Fei, you have to understand, this chance is useless even if I tell you, if it’s your turn to not get it, then it’s useless no matter how hard you try.”

Douglas coldly snorted: “Do not think I do not know the situation, you are not just back to China for four years? What chance you said, it must be in China!”

“If you still consider me a friend, just tell me the name of a person! If you tell me who made you twenty years younger, I’ll go find him immediately! I just don’t believe I don’t have the power to make him loose his tongue!”

The reason why Douglas was so confident was that he was indeed too rich.

The richest Chinese on the Forbes list is not more than half of his assets.

Even the Wade and Su families, the most powerful families in China, do not have the same assets as him.

Therefore, he took it for granted that as long as he was shown where the chance was, he would be able to get the other party to get the same chance to himself.

Qinghua lamented, “Old Fei, some people’s fate is far above yours, in the presence of such people, your confidence will no longer be confidence, but arrogance ……”

Speaking here, he sighed lightly, helplessly said: “just, just, not to say this, lest you want to curse again, you do not want to know how my chance actually came? Then I will give you a bottom.”

At the other end of the phone, Douglas just wanted to curse his mother, heard these words, immediately took a deep breath, and then could not hide the excitement of asking: “You …… you are really willing to tell me?

Qinghua hmmm, seriously said: “I called to tell you, I was given the opportunity,”

“It is a kind of divine medicine called rejuvenation pills, just one, it increased my life at least ten years, if you have a destiny with it, you may also be able to meet.”

Chapter 3731

“Rejuvenating Pill?!”

Hearing these two words, Douglas’s entire body was stunned for a few seconds and asked tentatively, “What is this thing? A medicine?”

“Yes!” Qinghua said, “The Rejuvenating Pill is a medicine, a divine pill, an immortal pill that incorporates a great divine power.”

Feeling a bit absurd, Douglas asked him rhetorically, “Then what company is this medicine from? What are the ingredients?”

“What is the principle of the drug? What are the pharmaco*kinetics and clinical trial reports?”

Qinghua explained, “There is no company, the ingredients are unknown, and the drug principle is not something that people of my level can understand,”

“And as for the pharmaco*kinetics and clinical trials, there is even less.”

Speaking of this, Qinghua said, “By the way, the pharmaco*kinetic words, I can tell you through my personal feelings,”

“Put this miracle drug into your body, you will feel the time in your body flow backward, so that you find yourself ten years ago, or even twenty years ago, when your body was in that state.”

“As for clinical trials, I am an example of a clinical trial.”

Douglas heard this, more and more feel that this matter is mysterious, unlike words, immediately angry:

“Qinghua ah Qinghua, you are idle to make fun of me …… I am more than ninety! You tell me to go find the elixir? Do you think I have not read the Journey to the West?”

Qinghua said smilingly: “How do you know there is no immortal elixir in this world?”

Douglas said discontentedly, “The so-called immortal elixir is not some mythological stories and legends recorded in feudal superstition? Do you think I am a three-year-old child, back to believe these ……”

Qinghua’s tone gradually serious up, said: “Douglas, I am not joking with you, I can increase ten years of life in vain, all because of these fabulous rejuvenation pills.”

“When I took it, the feeling of being transformed, the bones engraved in my heart! If you want to be like me and find a chance to prolong your life, the only thing that can help you is the Rejuvenating Pill.”

“As for those medical researches you invested in, I can tell you clearly that although they are very useful to society, they are no longer useful to you.”

Once Qinghua said this, Douglas was momentarily speechless at the other end of the phone.

The second half of what Qinghua said, and how can he not be clear.

Human brain research is being done by many rich people all over the world.

Including those young tycoons in the Internet industry, who also hope to achieve immortality of consciousness by interconnecting the human brain with computers.

But there has not been any real breakthrough in this field so far.

As for organ transplantation, global medical development for so many years, the level of organ transplantation has been greatly improved, but people are not like a car, a machine, where every part can be replaced.

So even if the organs can rely on continuous transplantation to maintain youth, but the brain, bones, blood vessels, nerves, all of these, can not undergo a complete replacement.

Therefore, organ transplantation can save a patient’s life when an organ or multiple organs are diseased, but it is difficult to extend the life of the patient.

A 100-year-old body, even if it has a 20-year-old heart, what can be done?

It is likely that the blood vessels throughout the body have long since reached the end of their useful life, and become extremely rigid.

It is likely that just a certain slightly violent beating of the heart will cause brain hemorrhage and rapid death.

Therefore, this path is also currently not feasible.

Chapter 3732

As for freezing technology is even more bull5hit.

There is no certainty that a person can be revived successfully after years of freezing.

This option is like putting the unknown on hold and leaving it to the future to solve.

If there is a way to resurrect him in the future, he will be awakened from the freeze.

If there is no way to resurrect him in the future, then he may stay frozen until the end of the world.

It was because of the multiple directions of investment, there was no substantial breakthrough, that Douglas was more eager for Qinghua’s chance.

Only, how could he have expected that Qinghua’s secret would sound so ridiculous?

However, Qinghua’s tone was not at all like a joke, so he looked at it squarely and asked seriously,

“Qinghua, you and I have been close friends for many years, I only ask you one question, is this matter, really so?”

Qinghua said with certainty, “It’s really true!”

Douglas fell into deep doubt, muttered: “This …… how is this possible …… what medicine can achieve this effect ……”

Qinghua said, “I think this may be the wisdom left by the old ancestors.”

Douglas seriously said, “Qinghua, I’m not going to lie, I really don’t quite believe it ……”

Said, Douglas and hurried to explain: “I have invested in a lot of pharmaceutical industry over the years,”

“This line of business I really considered to understand quite deeply, there is one thing I feel extremely deeply,”

“That is, Chinese medicine is too much behind Western medicine!”

“Other than that, Chinese medicine has been developed for so many years, but it cannot detect and treat tumors in the body,”

“And the diagnosis of cancer all over the world relies on modern medical imaging technology and in vivo testing.

“But all the Chinese doctors who say they can cure cancer, I have used all kinds of means to verify, and finally proved that they are all liars without exception.”

“And organ transplantation, the entire Chinese medicine is completely devoid of any system and knowledge related to organ transplantation,”

“The only ‘organ transplantation’ information that can be found is still the mythical story of Lu Judges on the Liaozhai Zhiyi to give Zhu Er Dan a new heart and his wife a new head ……”

“So you are now telling me that there is a miracle drug that can be taken to make people twenty years younger, I really …… just can’t figure it out ……”

Qinghua listened patiently and then asked him, “Douglas, you have always believed in the old wisdom of divinity left behind by the old ancestors, why do you prefer not to believe in the medical art left behind by them?”

Douglas said awkwardly, “I believe in the old divinity because I have a master like you by my side, I have benefited a lot from you in my life,”

“As a personal beneficiary, I naturally believe in it, but the medical arts …… I am not going to hide from you, I have not had any personal experience that convinces me ……”

Qinghua smiled faintly: “So, I say this is a great chance, the Rejuvenating Pill is not a mortal product, not who wants it can get, you believe in the Rejuvenating Pill or not,”

“In fact, these are not important, the important thing is, whether you and the Rejuvenating Pill have fate, otherwise even if you believe in it, but you do not have fate with it, you are still begging for it.”

Douglas was busy saying, “Just! Better to kill a mistake than to let it go! Qinghua, I want to know, how can I get this Rejuvenating Pill?”

Qinghua said indifferently, “I don’t know, that’s all I can tell you, as for where and how to find the Rejuvenating Pill, I can’t help you at all, it’s all up to you.”

Douglas asked, “Qinghua, can you please help me divine the fortune again to see if I have a destiny with this Pill or not.”

Qinghua laughed lightly and said, “I can’t calculate this.”

Chapter 3733

Douglas was surprised and asked, “Is there anything between heaven and earth that you, Qinghua, cannot calculate?”

Qinghua said seriously, “I can’t calculate anything that is higher than me.”

Douglas said: “Hey not like that, you said before, your fate is what the anaconda has, I am what the tortoise, but between each is not bigger than other, so my nature is not higher than you huh……”

Qinghua blandly laughed: “It’s not that you are higher than me, it’s that this Pill is higher than me.”

“Grass!” Douglas could not help but burst out a foul mouth, gritted his teeth, and said,

“Okay! Then I’ll arrange for someone to go back to China and see if I can get information about the Rejuvenating Pill!”

At the same time, the cathedral of the Nordic capital city of Oslo.

Helena, dressed in the robe of a holy white empress, stood in front of the archbishop in the presence of the world and began to receive the solemn and sacred coronation ceremony.

The aged archbishop invited Helena to the throne in the center of the cathedral platform, and many men and women in court dress and holding scepters stood in orderly arrangement on the platform.

The chancellor of the Nordic kingdom, the president of the heraldic court, the minister of ceremonies, and other important players, also dressed in grand costumes have come on stage.

After these people ascended the stage, they stood in the four directions of the church, east, west, north, and south.

At this moment, the archbishop recited the prayer with the Bible in his hand, and then asked them one by one:

“Gentlemen, I hereby solemnly introduce to you Helena Alexander Iliad, our new queen, and you are to serve her from this moment on, are you willing to do so?”

Without hesitation, the crowd nodded and solemnly replied, “I do!”

The archbishop turned to Helena, who was sitting in the center, and asked her, “Do you solemnly and solemnly pledge that you will rule all the kingdoms of Northern Europe and all the people on it?”

With a solemn face, Helena said, “I do!”

The archbishop nodded and asked her again, “Do you then wish to do all that is in your power and ability, so that law and justice, in all your judgments, maybe mercifully carried out?”

Again Helena said solemnly, “I do!”

The archbishop asked again, “Are you willing, then, to do all in your power and ability to maintain the law of God and the teaching of the Gospel?”

“Are you willing, to the best of your ability and strength, to uphold the doctrine established by law and the authority given to bishops and clergy by law?”

Without hesitation, Helena blurted out, “I am willing to comply with all the above requirements and to do everything in my power to fulfill all my promises, please God bless me!”

The archbishop himself then placed a brilliant crown on her head and handed her a scepter made from the tusks of a narwhal.

At the same time, four other female attendants carefully draped a luxurious golden robe over her shoulders.

After all this, the archbishop said respectfully, “Your Majesty, you are now the new Queen of the Nordic Kingdom, may God bless you and may God bless the Nordics people!”

Thunderous applause erupted on the scene.

At this point, Helena’s coronation ceremony had officially ended.

From this moment on, she officially became the new Queen of Northern Europe, and the old Queen who was just sparing no effort to promote the Rejuvenating Pill on the stage, had also officially bid farewell to the Queen’s throne.

Helena on the stage, like the stars, is not only glowing, but also beautiful.

The way she holds the scepter and smiles, with full dignity and atmosphere, which is very incompatible with her age of more than twenty years.

It is also this light and calm performance that has won her the goodwill of almost everyone.

Chapter 3734

At this time, Charlie, sitting in Warnia’s office, finished watching all the live broadcasts, then he smiled heartily and quit the live software, then sent a message to Helena, the content was simple, only one word: “Congratulations.”

At the same time, he also received a message from Qinghua, in which Qinghua said that he had already informed some of his old friends, as well as some big customers he had worked with, about the Rejuvenating Pill.

And now the news of the Rejuvenating Pill had started to spread within the top circles in the United States, waiting to ferment.

Charlie replied with a thank you.

Just after the message was sent, he received another message from Helena replying, asking him, “Mr. Wade, did I perform okay just now?”

Charlie replied, “The performance was perfect.”

Helena asked again, “Then did you see my brooch?”

Charlie replied, “I saw it, it was beautiful.”

Helena replied, “This brooch, which was left by my grandmother, happens to be a leaf shape, which matches your last name, and as for the letters on it, I glued them on by hand with broken diamonds.”

Charlie had to say back, “Thank you, you have a heart.”

Afterward, he digressed and asked her, “Your coronation ceremony is all over?”

Helena said, “Not yet, there will be a banquet soon, but it is not open to the public, so there will be no live media coverage.”

Saying that, she sent another message, “By the way Mr. Wade, grandma has already advertised the Rejuvenating Pill among the guests, they are acting very fervently, it seems that they are all very eager for the Pill.”

Charlie smiled heartily, this was the effect he wanted.

This time, he wanted to cut an unprecedented amount of leeks, and the top rich people in Europe and America were the best targets.

As long as the publicity for the pills was in place and they were attracted to China, they would definitely splash out money for bidding on the Pill then.

Charlie and Helena exchanged a few pleasantries on WeChat, and then Helena went to the banquet, while Charlie, seeing that it was also six o’clock in the afternoon, said to Warnia and Issac:

“The overseas promotion of the Rejuvenating Pill has already started, and I believe that in the coming period of time, there will be many people frantically searching for news about the Rejuvenating Pill.”

“This matter should be kept secret from the public as much as possible so that they don’t get involved prematurely.”

Warnia and Issac hastily agreed to do so.

Charlie said to the two of them, “I have other things to do these days, so I’ll have to ask you two to promote the auction as soon as possible.”

Warnia busily said, “Master Wade don’t worry, I will do my best!”

Seeing that Charlie was leaving, Issac spoke up and asked, “Where are you going, Young Master? I’ll give you a ride!”

Charlie nodded slightly and said, “Okay.”

After saying that, he said to Warnia, “Warnia, we’ll leave first, call if there’s anything.”

“Okay Master Wade, I’ll see you off.”


When he got into Issac’s car, Charlie said to him, “Mr. Issac, you can take me home.”

“Okay Young Master.” Issac drove away from Song’s Group.

Charlie remembered the matter of the Cataclysmic Front, so he said, “Mr. Issac, tomorrow night have the Concorde come over, I plan to go to the Middle East.”

Issac asked, “Young master, is it about the captives of the Cataclysmic Front and the base?”

“Right.” Charlie nodded and said, “Just ask for the captives and the land, the other side will definitely not agree easily, many details of this still have to be mediated face to face.”

Issac then said, “Then when the time comes, I will accompany you there!”

“No need.” Charlie instructed: “The negotiations should be very fast, with a few hours to fly over, and then a few hours to talk after, a few hours to return, the same day can be a round trip, you do not need to join me,”

“This period of time you will focus on the auction this one thing, go back today to the end of this month until the end of the room booking is all closed, already booked orders double refund then start preparing the venue, and make sure to do a good job on-site security and security checks.”

“On the day of the auction, no one outside of the guests can be mixed in, and no one can be allowed to bring any filming equipment into the site, to ensure the privacy and mystery of the auction.”

For the world’s top tycoons, most of them don’t like to show their faces, except for some bad brains who bounce around all day.

Even if they participate in auctions and shoot collections worth hundreds of millions of dollars, they never reveal their identities, and they all participate in auctions by telephone consignment, except for the auction company knows who he is, no one else has any way to know.

It is because privacy can be extremely well protected that these tycoons are keen to buy collections at those top auctions.

This time, in order to strengthen the scarcity of the Rejuvenating Pill, and to eliminate any proxy auction as well as the act of selling, Charlie required everyone to buy it in person and take it on the spot.

Therefore, he would have to do a good job of privacy for this group of rich people, otherwise, it would definitely give them a very bad buying experience.

Since it is cutting the leeks, of course, while cutting the leeks well, also make the leeks feel at home!

Chapter 3735

This night, the two words of Rejuvenating Pill caused a huge earthquake and sensation in the top rich circle in Europe and America.

On the next day, Charlie received a message from Joseph early in the morning.

He had already taken care of three forward bases along the northern coast of the Gulf of Aden.

The reason why the efficiency could be so fast had a lot to do with the Cataclysmic Front’s connections as well as fame in the Middle East over the years.

Although they just experienced a big defeat some time ago, the outside world is widely rumored that they ate half of the Wade family.

So in the outside world, the strength is not only still not to be underestimated, but even more than before.

The Middle East is more war-torn, so these countries, too, are willing to have a good relationship with a mercenary organization like the Cataclysmic Front.

So that not only can they avoid the Cataclysmic Front standing against them in the future, but also have the opportunity to have the Front stand by their side when they are in danger.

Moreover, Joseph also used his connections to purchase a batch of weapons and equipment directly from Saudi Arabia at a very low price, including three former Soviet-made helicopters that had their weapons systems removed.

In this way, it became easy to airlift armed escorts directly from the coastal bases to board the ships.

He stationed three hundred soldiers of the Front at these three forward bases, and immediately, they were able to officially start escorting the ships.

When Charlie heard this news, he was naturally very happy, and he immediately gave Melba’s contact information to Joseph, so that he could contact her directly.

From now on, all the ships of the ISU shipping routing through the Gulf of Aden would be provided with an armed escort by the Cataclysmic Front.

The good news just came from Joseph’s side, after Charlie had just dropped Claire at the company, Liang’s side also called him.

Once the phone call came through, Liang said respectfully, “Master Wade, after nearly 20 hours of continuous trial production, our team has successfully produced the JX Liver Protective Tablets,”

“And the Solid Gold Life Renewing Pill, which you want to use as the base medicine for the JX Renewing Pills, it has also been trial produced.”

The location of the JX Pharmaceutical factory is in the suburbs, closer to the Champs-Elysees Hot Spring Villa, so Charlie immediately said,

“Liang, you drive there now, I will also rush there immediately, you have to wait for me for a while.”

“Okay, master!” Liang said without hesitation, “Then I’m leaving!”

Charlie drove straight to the outside of the city, and an hour later, finally arrived at the Champs Elysees Spa Villa.

At this time, Liang was waiting at the entrance of the hot spring villa with two very high-end mobile thermal boxes.

Charlie got out of the car, then directly greeted Liang: “Come in.”

Saying that with fingerprints he opened the villa door, with Liang then directly entered into the interior of the villa.

This villa, Charlie except for refining medicine basically does not come over, wife Claire has no time, as for Mother-in-law, now the legs are not strong, also can not run here alone, so refining medicine here, for Charlie can not be more appropriate.

Chapter 3736

When Charlie arrived at the villa, Liang hurriedly opened the two mobile thermal boxes, and then handed Charlie two pieces of brick-sized, black, and zero-degree temperature medicinal mud, and respectfully said,

“Master Wade, these two are the medicinal mud we have made, take a look.”

The prescriptions provided by Charlie basically needed to be autoclaved in a reactor and then purified by a centrifuge.

The purified drug essence is this black mud and emits a strong medicinal fragrance.

Some pills are basically rolled directly into pills of different sizes.

If the medicine tastes too bitter, the mud is usually dried first, then in the production line, the medicine is wrapped with a layer of sugar coating made of tablets, such as the most common vitamin C silver warp tablets, etc.

Charlie took some of each of the two medicinal mud, crushed it at his fingertips and smelled it, nodded with satisfaction, and said,

“These two medicines are very well made, remember to send a red packet to the team working overtime.”

Liang breathed a sigh of relief and busily said, “Don’t worry, I’ll go back and give everyone a red packet ……”

Saying that, he added: “Right Master Wade, the cost of this medicine of solid gold life renewal pill is really too high, all precious herbs, just to try out this piece of clay, it used nearly 100,000 yuan of herbs ……”

Charlie nodded and said seriously: “For this kind of medicine, the requirements of the herbs themselves are very high, the cost must be high too,”

“In the future, if this medicine is to be marketed, I’m afraid it is the same as an expensive pill, only those rich people can afford to eat.”

Liang sighed: “This is the law of business, but also the reality of the situation, just like the luxury cars that are often millions of dollars,”

“The cost of materials and brand value piled up there, itself is for the rich, ordinary people simply do not have the opportunity.”

Charlie sighed: “It is indeed the law of business, and there is nothing to do about it.”

Saying that, he also said to Liang: “Liang, solid gold life-sustaining powder this medicine, you also try to make a batch out first, as JX Pharmaceutical’s high-end tonic medicine into the market,”

“As for the price, naturally, we have to set a higher, domestic retail price to more than ten times the expected total cost, for foreign market make it more than twenty times.”

“After the production can be given to some high-end customers to try, to see their reaction, if they are very urgent demand for this drug, then the price can also be appropriated up again.”

This point is not Charlie’s evil heart, but the selling price of high-end drugs, itself has a very high premium component, especially high-end tonic medicine are also ridiculously expensive.

Although the fever of wormwood has dropped a lot over the years, but the price has not dropped at all, high-end wormwood, a gram of the selling price is more expensive than gold.

As for the ginseng and antler, the same thing.

Liang naturally understood this business logic and said to Charlie without hesitation, “Don’t worry, Master Wade, I will start making a batch of samples immediately after I return.”

He said that and then continued: “Master Wade, I suggest that we do not make it medicine, but a health product because the censorship system of health products is much more relaxed. That way the degree of freedom will be higher.”

Charlie nodded: “Let’s do as you say.”

Liang asked him, “Master Wade, what should we call this health product?”

Charlie thought about it and said offhand, “Let’s call it JX Solid Gold Powder! Make capsules after thoroughly drying and powdering the medicinal mud, and market it as a high-end health product.”

Chapter 3737

Speaking of this, Charlie instructed him again, “But let’s not cooperate with any pharmacies as well as supermarket outlets, after all, our product must be the best in its category.”

“Plus JX Pharmaceutical now has a considerable popularity, there is absolutely no need to rely on other people’s sales channels.”

“Letting others sell for us will not only take away our profits, but will also bring us management risks.”

“Like some well-known liquor called national wine, dealers all kinds of price increases even if, the market is also filled with a large number of counterfeit goods, many people mixed with real and fake and do the sales, the market is made a mess.”

“1499 a bottle of liquor would have been expensive, the result is still not at all to buy, want to buy it can only spend twice the price, this unhealthy model is almost all dealers’ speculation, so we directly cut the dealers, only direct sales!”

“When the time comes, we open an online flagship store, so that all users order from the line, the future variety, we can also open the direct store to the line, so as to ensure the terminal price stability, and to eliminate counterfeit goods!”

Liang said without thinking, “Okay Master Wade, I will immediately start working on the online official flagship store!”

The old marketing model, is Charlie has always abhorred, not only the well-known liquor has a lot of marketing problems, even the traditional car 4S store model, has also been criticized.

As we all know, many 4S stores do not sell cars at all according to the rules, to popular models they add tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars on top of the guide price.

And occasionally there are unscrupulous 4S stores transport loss cars, accident cars packaged as new cars for sale to the public, the pit of consumers suffering.

The reason for this is that this dealership model.

In the past, transportation, logistics, and sales channels were relatively primitive, so the vast majority of goods used this dealership model.

But now with the continuous development of the Internet, the rise of online shopping, the dealership model has gradually faced elimination.

Now we buy clothes online, buy cell phones, buy some daily necessities, basically all directly from the online official flagship store.

Some of the more well-known health care products, use this model as well.

This online direct way, for consumers, regardless of quality, after-sales, price and service, can get relatively more perfect protection.

Therefore, Charlie also hopes that JX Pharmaceutical can build their own direct mode, so that in the future more and more single products and higher sales, to ensure the interests of JX Pharmaceutical itself, as well as those of consumers.

Subsequently, Charlie said to Liang: “You sit in the living room for a while, I’ll go to the room to mix the blood dispersing heart saving pills into the medicinal clay.”

“After I finish it, you take it back and start encapsulating it immediately, encapsulate it and you take it directly to the United States.”

“Okay, Master Wade!”

Immediately after that, Charlie took the Solid Gold Life Renewing Pill Mud and went to the room upstairs.

He estimated the weight of the clay and felt that such a large piece of clay could make at least 5,000 pills, so he directly took out five Blood Dissipation Heart Saving Pills and melted them together with this piece of clay.

Although the blood circulation heart saving pills are not as effective as the rejuvenation pills, which can bring back the dead and even make the body a decade or two younger, its efficacy is very strong in terms of treatment alone.

At the beginning of the father-in-law’s paraplegia, Charlie only used half of the blood circulation heart saving pills to directly heal him.

So it can be seen, its treatment effect, not much worse than the Rejuvenating pills.

But the efficacy of the Rejuvenating Pill to prolong life is much stronger than it.

Chapter 3738

When Philip had advanced pancreatic cancer and was on the verge of death, he could have been cured if he had taken a Blood Dispersing Heart Saver.

But his body would still have been in a very weak state and would have needed a long time to recover slowly.

In contrast, the Rejuvenating Pill could not only cure his cancer, but also allow his body to completely recover and even return to the state it was in ten years ago at once, so the effect was naturally much better than the Blood Dissipation Heart Saving Pill.

However, Charlie was not prepared to melt the Rejuvenating Pill into the JX Renewing Pill, now that this medicine has been fused with the Blood Dissipation and Heart Saving Pill, it can completely sustain the life of cancer patients and gradually control the development of cancer until it is cured.

To the outside world, it is already considered an excellent anti-cancer drug.

After Charlie refined the clay, he gave it to Liang and instructed him,

“This clay can be made into at least 5,000 JX Renewing Pills, so you can divide it into 4,900 pills, and according to the dose of seven pills per box, you can make 700 boxes, and then you can leave 20 boxes for each of the three countries: US, Germany, and Britain.”

“The rest, you will do a trial drug program in the country in the name of JX Pharmaceutical, screen 100 cancer patients with the most difficult family situation and the most serious disease, and distribute it to them as a trial drug for free.”

Speaking of this, Charlie also admonished him, “When using the trial drug, they must be gathered together for a comprehensive clinical record, then use scientific means to record their daily changes.”

“Everything in accordance with the way of the international formal drug companies, after everyone has completed the trial drug, and then give 100,000 yuan each for their hard work.”

Liang knows that at this stage of the trial of special effects drugs, itself is a great concern for patients and their families, many patients are a new drug immediately sign up for a trial, afraid of not being able to catch up, and the trial is at most free of charge.

There are few away give money, even if you give money it is only a token to give a little carriage fee, like Charlie, as soon as he opened his mouth to one hundred thousand is indeed unheard of.

However, he is also clear, the reason why Charlie chooses the most difficult family situation, the most serious disease patients as a test drug, it is not really to use them for clinical experiments.

After all, this has long been tested, with excellent efficacy and without any toxic side effects.

Charlie did so, but just wants to do something good, to provide a chance of new life for those seriously ill patients with difficult families.

So, without thinking, he said, “Master Wade, I will immediately start the production and packaging today, and try to take the earliest flight to the United States tomorrow to meet with the person in charge of their imported drugs.”

Charlie nodded and said, “My business plane has just returned, so when you are ready, take it directly to the United States.”

Liang immediately said, “Then I will go back and prepare now, and I can leave in the afternoon, so that I can arrive in Washington tomorrow afternoon local time.”

“I will make an appointment with the person in charge there in advance, and meet with him when I arrive in Washington.”

Charlie asked him, “Are you sure you can meet the key person in charge?”

Liang said: “There are several public relations companies in the United States, specializing in helping major companies public relations U.S. public officials, mainly responsible for matchmaking.”

“So that companies arrange the relevant people to meet, the results of the talks have nothing to do with him, as long as you pay them the appropriate public relations fees, you can ask the corresponding people out for a meal.”

Charlie nodded and said, “OK, then let’s do it, first send the medicine to the key people, the rest is up to them.”

Liang said with some concern, “Master Wade, there is certainly nothing wrong with sending the medicine to them, but I am afraid that this will not be able to attract their attention,”

“And the American side is already somewhat contemptuous of Eastern medicines, and there is even a possibility that I just finished eating with him on this side, and he throws the medicine I give him into the garbage can when he leaves the restaurant door……”

Charlie said seriously: “But if you let you go through the conventional process will be more trouble, you need to carry out a lot of clinical testing first, and then submit all the information together to them for review,”

“And the review may also need to queue, which may be a year or two, we do not have time to so toss, so we can only surprise them.”

He further said: “You go to the United States, do not give all twenty boxes to the other side, first give them few boxes, to see the other side’s attitude,”

“If the other side chooses to completely ignore our drugs, then you find a way to find a celebrity in the United States that has been diagnosed with cancer, and then find a way to send our drugs to him, let him try.”

“In short, you go this time, if you can’t get their official attention, then find a way to get the attention of their private sector.”

Chapter 3739

Liang took the clay that Charlie had refined the Blood Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill, brought it back to JX Pharmaceutical, and that afternoon, he used the clay to produce a full seven hundred boxes of JX Renewing Pills.

After that, he took out twenty boxes from it and locked the rest into the safe.

Immediately afterward, he instructed his inner circle to start publishing the news of soliciting volunteers to test the test a new anti-cancer drug in China,

Asking these volunteers to provide a description of their family situation, as well as their real cases, for review.

According to Liang’s plan, he intended to spend a week collecting applicants, and then select the most suitable 100 people from these applicants, and then invite them all to Aurous Hill to focus on drug trials.

He said it was a drug trial, but he knew in his heart that it was actually a chance to give a hundred people, or a hundred families, an opportunity to be reborn.

After arranging these, he rushed to the airport with twenty boxes of the pills and hurried to the United States.

The moment the plane took off, Liang’s heart was still somewhat nervous.

These pills’ medicinal effects, he has not understood completely, so also do not know this time to the United States, in the end, can complete the task explained by Charlie.

But he could never have dreamed that these twenty boxes of JX Renewing Pills would make waves in the United States.


In the evening of the day Liang left for the United States, the Wade family’s Concorde also quietly flew to Aurous Hill to prepare for Charlie’s trip to the Middle East in advance.

In order to solve all the problems of the captives and bases of the Cataclysmic Front in one step, Charlie not only agreed with Joseph to meet at the airport of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, early tomorrow morning, but also made contact with Hamid in advance.

He first asked Hamid to be ready to provide a place for negotiation, and then called the government leader, Sayid, who has been promoted.

Sayid is now a national hero and meritorious person.

The bloodless capture of 15,000 soldiers from the Cataclysmic Front had made him famous.

In addition, he was promoted within the government army and now has a bright future.

However, he was now worried about the 15,000 soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front.

So many prisoners were already far beyond the capacity of their prison system, so they could only build a temporary prison with marching tents and barbed wire in a mountainous area on the outskirts of the countryside, and imprison the soldiers there.

However, feeding these 15,000 soldiers was a huge burden for them, and it cost a lot of money just to feed them every day.

On top of that, maintaining this temporary prison also requires a lot of human and material resources, which is even worse for the government army, which is already a bit stretched.

They originally wanted to talk to Joseph to see if they could get them to pay compensation and then hurry up and take these 15,000 prisoners away.

But during this time Joseph was either busy seeking revenge on the Wade family, or kneeling on Waderest Mountain to repent, or busy with his parents’ funeral and the whitewashing mission arranged by Charlie, so they could not get in touch with Joseph at all.

Just when he didn’t know what to do with the 15,000 captives, a phone call came from Charlie.

Sayid only knew Charlie’s surname as Wade, but did not know that he was a member of the Wade family.

So he did not think much of it when he received Charlie’s call and asked him very politely, “How come Mr. Wade has time to call me?”

Charlie smiled, “Mr. Sayid, I am calling because I want to communicate with you about the Cataclysmic Front.”

“Cataclysmic Front?” Said suddenly became excited and hurriedly asked, “Mr. Wade, do you have any good suggestions about the Cataclysmic Front?”

“I’m not going to lie, these 15,000 captives have now got me in a tizzy ……”

Charlie laughed: “I just want to communicate with you to settle this matter completely, do you see if you have time tomorrow?”

“If you time OK, we will meet at Hamid’s base to talk about this matter.”

Chapter 3740

Saying that, Charlie added: “By the way, at that time, I will also call the Supreme Commander of the Cataclysmic Front, Joseph, over.”

Sayid exclaimed, “Mr. Wade, you know Joseph?”

Charlie said, “I didn’t know him before, I only met him recently, so I would like to mediate between you two and find a solution that is beneficial to both sides, what do you think?”

“No problem!” Sayid agreed without hesitation.

To him, those captives were a burden now.

If they were kept like this, there was no telling how much cost would have to be poured into them.

But if they are released, directly expelled from the country, then this matter will be more loss.

So, he now is riding a tiger and it is difficult to come down.


The next morning, Charlie excused himself and left home alone.

After driving to the airport, he took the Concorde directly to Lebanon.

By noon, he had already met up with Joseph in Lebanon, and then directly took a helicopter to Hamid’s base.

Hamid had also gotten up early and was waiting for Charlie’s arrival.

On the plane, Joseph reported to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, I have already communicated with Ms. Watt, in the next month, there will be forty-three cargo ships of ISU Shipping passing through the Gulf of Aden one after another,”

“Our escort soldiers will contact the seafarers of the cargo ships in advance and escort each cargo ship on board.”

Charlie nodded and asked him, “How many escort soldiers are needed for one ship?”

Joseph said, “The industry practice of armed escort is three to six people, generally found that when the pirates close down,”

“These escorts will fire a gun to signal, the pirates when finding that there are armed personnel, they will retreat.”

Said, Joseph continued: “We are currently set at three people per group, with Cataclysmic Front soldiers combat level, than those armed escorts are too strong, three is enough to deal with those pirates.”

Charlie instructed: “If you encounter pirates, you must fight a good battle, and strive to make the Cataclysmic Front in the field of armed escort a name with fame.”

Joseph looked awe-inspiring and said seriously, “Mr. Wade, don’t worry, I have already instructed my men, if we are lucky and can meet the pirates, then we will make sure to wipe out the pirates, leaving no one behind!”

Charlie waved his hand and said, “Total annihilation is meaningless.”

Saying that, Charlie said: “Look, this gang of pirates usually like to do, is to kidnap the crew, demand ransom, so why do not we first let them on board, and then, in turn, they are captured alive, and then find them for ransom?”

Joseph was slightly stunned, and then said with some excitement, “This is a good idea! Using the way of the other side to return the favor, then we can also completely beat up the reputation of the Cataclysmic Front!”

Charlie nodded and instructed, “When the time comes, if they pay the ransom, let them go, if not, kill them!”

“In the future, the Cataclysmic Front to these pirates, must be more black than their hearts! And also to play them well, play until they are afraid of you from the bottom of their hearts, only then, can make them humble in front of you.”

Charlie said: “I probably understand the situation of the pirates over the Gulf of Aden, they have a large number of people,”

“And a very strong revenge mentality, if they dare to retaliate against the Cataclysmic Front in the future, or retaliate against the cargo ships of the ISU Shipping, then directly send a few five-star warlords to infiltrate their lair, and take out their leader!”

“If the leader is killed and the new one still dares to fight against us, we will kill him too!”

“Until a new leader comes up who doesn’t dare to fight us anymore!”

Chapter 3741

Charlie most believe in killing to avenge the kill.

Want to make those vicious people fearful, the only way is to be more ruthless and evil than he is.

Active in the Gulf of Aden pirates, their style and the active bandits are no different, killing is their means of survival.

In recent years, these pirates have become more and more rampant, the annual hijackings are growing, and in recent times has reached the level of almost daily attacks on cargo ships, but also repeatedly succeeded.

Charlie can often see the news of pirate robberies ships on the news, and they shoot hostages also happen from time to time.

So Charlie hopes that the Cataclysmic Front can show some momentum, so that those pirates get afraid of them.

Since it is a place outside the law, let’s see who is more ruthless than the other.

After a few minutes of flight, the plane was about to arrive over the Hamid base.

At this time, the sky in the Middle East was just getting light.

Joseph took advantage of the rising sunlight and looked at the several heights around Hamid’s base in front of him. He had been curious about what kind of iron barrel defense Hamid had that could make Cataclysmic Front bury several thousand mercenaries here.

However, when he looked around, he found that the several highlands, as well as the valley surrounded by the highlands, basically could not be seen as a military base, and it was hard to even see the soldiers.

The only large target that could be seen, was a lot of trucks transporting rocks and slag, constantly shuttling through the mountain pass.

Other than that, nothing could be seen.

And the more nothing could be seen, the more shocked Joseph became in his heart.

Because this proved that Hamid had turned all his strength into the permanent fortifications inside the mountain.

Even if tens of thousands of troops attacked, they could not find where the target was at all.

Moreover, no one knew how many fire points were hidden in these big mountains, not to mention how many weapons and ammunition, as well as food supplies, were stored here.

Just when he was shocked, the helicopter had already flown above Hamid’s valley and slowly landed on top of the valley’s flat ground.

The original houses and ruins in the valley were basically cleared away, and the entire valley has now basically turned into flat land.

And you can see that this place has been transformed into a training ground, there are playgrounds, target ranges, and various obstacle training courses.

Hamid had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Charlie get off the helicopter with another man, he immediately came forward and greeted him warmly: “Brother Wade! We meet again!”

After many days of absence, Hamid had gained some weight, so he could see that he had a good life recently.

Charlie said with a smile: “Older brother seems to be in a good mood, what good things have happened recently?”

Hamid said seriously: “No war is a good thing, and you see my place more and more like that, the safer the base repair, the more secure my heart is.”

Charlie nodded, and introduced him to Joseph beside him, and said, “Come old brother, let me introduce to you, this is the head of the Cataclysmic Front, Joseph Wan.”

After saying that, he also said to Joseph: “Joseph, this is Commander Hamid, your Cataclysmic Front had some friction and conflict with Hamid, but that’s all in the past, so let’s turn over the page and turn enemies into friends!”

Joseph took a step forward almost without thinking, took the initiative to extend his hand, and politely said, “Commander Hamid, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Hamid looked at Joseph, his heart was more or less nervous and baulking.

Although he was somewhat inflated now, he really wasn’t so inflated that he dared to despise Joseph.

After all, tens of thousands of soldiers of Cataclysmic Front, and there were many experts,

Even if he had lost several thousand soldiers at the hands of Hamid because of his gullibility, but the strength of the Cataclysmic Front was there, and it was still much stronger than Hamid.

Chapter 3742

Moreover, Hamid had heard that the experts in the Cataclysmic Front were like clouds, and was worried that the Front would seek revenge on him in the future.

Now, Charlie even mediated between them, asking him to turn enemies into friends with Joseph, he was naturally willing to do so.

So, he hastily shook hands with Joseph and said excitedly, “Hello, Mr. Wan! You’ve been offended by the previous incident, please don’t take it to heart, Mr. Wan ……”

Joseph solemnly said, “Commander Hamid, please rest assured, since Mr. Wade has already said that he wants to turn over the page completely, I will never dwell on it any more.”

When Hamid saw that Joseph was so forthcoming and had respect for Charlie in his words, his heart was amazed, and he wondered why Joseph had such respect for Charlie.

At this time, Charlie smiled faintly and said with astonishing words, “Old brother, Joseph and the Cataclysmic Front under his command have sworn their allegiance to me, from now on he will be one of my own to you.”

With these words of Charlie, Hamid was dumbfounded!

He had thought that Charlie had come to reconcile this time, but never in his wildest dreams did he expect that both Joseph and the Cataclysmic Front had already pledged their allegiance to Charlie.

So he subconsciously asked, “Older brother …… Is this really true? You’re not joking with me, right?”

Just as he was incredulous about all this, Joseph also spoke up, “Commander Hamid, Mr. Wade is not joking with you, the Cataclysmic Front has indeed sworn allegiance to Mr. Wade!”

Hamid was horrified and looked at Charlie, murmuring and asking, “Old …… old brother …… how on earth did you do that ……”

Charlie laughed: “We’ll talk about these later, when will Sayid arrive?”

Hamid looked at the time and replied, “About ten more minutes.”

“Good.” Charlie nodded and said, “Then let’s wait for him here.”

Ten minutes later, another helicopter slowly landed in the middle of the valley.

Sayid, dressed in military uniform, jumped down from the helicopter with big steps, and as soon as he saw Charlie, he warmly greeted him,

“Hello, Mr. Wade! Finally, we meet again!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, exchanged a few pleasantries with him, and then introduced Joseph to him.

Sayid had never seen Joseph before, and suddenly learned that the young man beside Charlie was Joseph Wan, so he was a bit confused for a while.

Charlie patted Sayid’s shoulder and said with a smile, “This time, I asked you to come for a talk, because I want to solve all the problems between you and the Cataclysmic Front in one step,”

“Plus offer you a better option, why don’t we go to Commander Hamid’s conference room to talk in detail?”

“Yes!” Sayid hastily agreed.

When the four of them arrived at the conference room, Charlie opened the door and said to Sayid: “Sayid, those 15,000 prisoners of the Cataclysmic Front must be a considerable burden and liability for you, right?”

Sayid naturally didn’t want to admit this in front of Joseph, so he pretended to be relaxed and said, “Actually, it doesn’t matter, we have a special area for their imprisonment, everything is in order.”

Charlie laughed: “Sayid, today here, in fact, no matter I, or Hamid, or even Joseph, are no longer your enemies, but your friends.”

Saying that, Charlie added: “Since Hamid successfully defended against the attacks of the government army and the Cataclysmic Front, the other opposition forces have all started to vigorously strengthen their defenses,”

“And in the future, they will all develop their bases one by one in the mountains where they are easy to defend and difficult to attack,”

“It will be difficult for you to fight, and since you yourselves have no danger to defend, the situation will only become more and more passive in the future. “

Sayid’s face remained unchanged, but his heart was indeed worried about this matter.

Right now, the two sides are really in a stalemate, originally, this stalemate did not make the government forces too anxious.

After all, they always feel that the other side is in the defensive stage, even if they attack no door, at least the initiative position.

However, what happened in another country in the Middle East some time ago sent chills down their backs.

That country had just undergone a huge change, and it was the passive side that was playing guerrilla in the mountains that gained the ultimate victory.

This greatly stimulated their nerves and made them become nervous all of a sudden.

At this time, Charlie said squarely, “Sayid, if you are willing, the Cataclysmic Front can become your half ally in the future.”

Sayid was surprised and asked, “What is a half ally?”

Charlie smiled faintly and explained, “They will become the bulletproof vest on your body,”

“Although they will not participate in your offense, but if you face danger, they will fully assist you in defense and guard you against the opponent’s fatal strike!”

Chapter 3743

In addition, the great changes in that Middle Eastern country in recent days really made Sayid as well as his leaders worried.

However, when Charlie suddenly said that he could let the Cataclysmic Front help them collaborate in defense, Sayid’s first thought was that it was impossible.

He couldn’t help but say, “Mr. Wade, last time we met, it was you yourself who said that for the Front, the only situation that would be in the best interest is for our land to be constantly wounded and bleeding,”

“And now you are asking us to cooperate with them and have them come to assist us in defense, isn’t that a bit inconsistent?”

Charlie smiled blandly: “I naturally won’t deny what I said before, and I still hold this view, for the Cataclysmic Front, the more turbulent you are, the more they can benefit from it,”

“But have you ever thought that for you, the situation has changed drastically, before you conquered all the way and broke through the opposition,”

“Including Hamid, was the opposition, wasn’t defeated by you and could only cower and linger.”

But now you know the situation, you have seen the changes here, with Hamid’s level of defense, if he continues to oppose you, you are completely helpless to take him, not to mention that many of his colleagues who are like-minded with him, are desperately copying his work,”

“And when they build a solid defensive base in the mountains, your situation will be even worse.”

“If you want to attack, you will definitely not be able to attack; if you want to defend, you have no danger in the city, so your situation will only become more and more passive.”

Sayid’s expression was very grave when he heard this.

Since Hamid won two defensive battles, it showed the way for the other opposition, and it was also those two battles that made Sayid and his leaders understand that offensive battles are simply too difficult to fight,”

“One or two battles can not down the target is a small matter, their own casualties led to a large number of military disillusionment, this is the most difficult problem.

In such a war, just need to last another two or three times, the soldiers in the army will certainly be fearful of attacking the war to the extreme, and then later, no one dares to fight the attacking war.

Such a situation, for them, is indeed extremely passive.

Charlie saw that he did not speak, the corners of his mouth smiled and continued: “My idea is actually very simple, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front, a large part of the weekdays they are on overseas on missions,”

“But usually still need a fixed base to meet their life, training and rest and preparation, so I want to represent the Cataclysmic Front, to negotiate a solution with you.”

Although Sayid did not speak, but his eyes kept looking at Charlie, seemingly waiting for his content behind.

When Charlie saw this, he opened his mouth and said, “First of all, you provide the Cataclysmic Front with one hundred square kilometers of land as a rear base,”

“And in return, the Cataclysmic Front will help you train your soldiers without interruption, in addition to collaborating in defense when you receive an attack;”

Speaking of this, Charlie gave a slight beating and lamented, “I don’t think I need to point out how poor your soldiers’ training level is,”

“I don’t think I need to break it, the equipment itself is not good, if the training can’t keep up, your situation will only become more and more embarrassing.”

Sayid’s expression changed slightly, Charlie’s words, also did speak to the sore spot they had been in.

The overall combat level of the grassroots soldiers was very crotchety and was the key reason for their repeated defeats.

After all, their overall military level is very poor, the level of officers is not good, the level of trained soldiers is naturally even worse.

Charlie continued: “army combat power, in my opinion, generally depends on three aspects, first of all, naturally, the level of weapons and equipment,”

“Followed by the level of management to develop strategic tactics, and last but not least, the strength of the single soldier combat,”

“The level of single soldier combat of the Cataclysmic Front, you must have heard of it, I believe that with if they help you train your soldiers, in a short time, the level of your soldiers will have a qualitative change.”

Sayid’s face suddenly had a look of longing that could not be suppressed.

Chapter 3744

At this time, Charlie said: “In addition, in order to show the sincerity of the Cataclysmic Front, and to make you feel more at ease, I think you can choose a site for the base for them in the middle of your capital or in the northern mountains,”

“So that the Cataclysmic Front will be in the middle of the buffer zone, which is like an additional layer of barrier for you.”

When he said this, Sayid’s expression stretched a lot.

Due to the current level of development in the country is still very lagging, the war between them and the opposition, basically still in the category of close contact war,”

“Due to the lack of accurate long-range weapons, both of them no matter who wants to strike the other side, they must send troops to the city,”

“So if the base of the Cataclysmic Front is sandwiched between the two sides, it can indeed play a good buffer role.

Sayid finally spoke up at this time and asked Charlie, “Mr. Wade, how can we trust that the Cataclysmic Front will help us with the defense,”

“In case the Cataclysmic Front turns against us in the middle and unites with the opposition then won’t we be in more danger?”

Charlie waved his hand and said seriously, “This kind of situation can never happen in the Cataclysmic Front from now on!”

Saying that, Charlie looked at Joseph and said indifferently, “Joseph, you come and explain to Sayid why this situation cannot happen.”

Joseph nodded and said with a serious expression, “Cataclysmic Front has already started its internal transformation, from now on, our mercenary business will follow international regulations more,”

“That is to say, in the future, our mercenary business will only cooperate with the legal governments of various countries, other than that, any other orders will not be taken.”

Charlie looked at Sayid and asked with a smile, “Sayid, do you understand? Cataclysmic Front is next ready to completely clean up, so as long as he is in your country, he will definitely cooperate with you,”

“If he cooperates with the opposition, it is against the law, this kind of thing, Cataclysmic Front is absolutely not bothered to do.”

Saying that, Charlie continued: “And I’ll be honest, this opposition, in addition to Hamid, life is not that good, who is not tightening the belt to live a hard life?”

“Front’s annual revenue is more than ten billion dollars, what do you think this group of oppositionists will hire them?”

When Sayid heard this, he was already half convinced.

However, out of the basic principle of negotiation, he still wanted to hold up a little more, not to show a very satisfied signal so early, so that at least he could still fight for other benefits.

So, he said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, I think just these conditions are not enough for us to take out a hundred square kilometers of land to the Cataclysmic Front,”

“Not to mention that the Cataclysmic Front still has fifteen thousand captives in our hands now.”

Charlie nodded, waved his hand, and said, “Sayid, you don’t need to play psychological warfare here either,”

“I called everyone together to talk about this matter because I hope that we can open our hearts and minds, openly and honestly discuss a solution that is beneficial to each properly, not to satisfy one party alone.”

Speaking of this, Charlie added: “Out of this room, I hope that you, as well as Joseph and Hamid, can each gain,”

“Hamid wants a stable development, Cataclysmic Front wants a rear base, and you want to reduce a strong enemy and add an ally.”

Sayid subconsciously asked, “Mr. Wade, why not add two allies?”

Charlie laughed: “Then you have to see how Hamid thinks.”

Hamid laughed at this time and opened his mouth, “What I want is to not interfere with them in the well, so that we do not interfere or attack each other,”

“And at the same time, I have to remain in the opposition camp, otherwise if I change my nature directly, the team below will definitely not be so well led.”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “In that case, old brother, you are apparently opposing, but actually neutral.”

“That’s right that’s right.” Hamid laughed: “I’m not going to hide it from you, old brother Wade, after being so nudged by you, I’m now addicted to digging caves and don’t want to fight at all!”

Chapter 3745

Charlie looked at Sayid and said with a smile, “Look, isn’t this also good?”

Sayid pursed his lips in silence for a moment, and then asked, “What about the captives?”

Charlie laughed: “This is simple, Joseph pays you compensation of ten thousand dollars per person, fifteen thousand people, that’s one hundred and fifty million dollars, with this money, it’s enough for you to expand the size of your army properly, and at the same time upgrade the weaponry.”

Joseph even thought that this matter would require more than one billion dollars to be settled, but he did not expect Charlie to promise the other party 150 million dollars.

Sayid obviously also has some disappointment, he also knows that Joseph is very rich, and has been thinking about whether to take this opportunity.

A fierce knock on Joseph, but 150 million dollars this amount, the less not less, but say more, is really not much.

So, he coughed twice and said: “Mr. Wade, the amount of $150 million, is not a little less? In addition, let us give a hundred square kilometers of land to the Cataclysmic Front.”

“The Cataclysmic Front must more or less give some rent, right? Otherwise, we can’t explain to the people ……”

Charlie said generously: “Let’s do it this way Sayid, you go back and talk to your leaders, in addition to the 150 million dollars of compensation, after you allocate the land to the Cataclysmic Front, the Cataclysmic Front will give you another 100,000 tons of wheat every year!”

“Isn’t it too convenient for you to buy grain? I happen to have my own shipping company, when the time comes, I will purchase grain in China and deliver and serve you directly to your port.”

Charlie knew that for Sayid as well as their leaders, the problem at hand was more than war, and it was a basic livelihood.

Originally, they were the only grain exporter in the Middle East, but the ongoing war had led to a steady decline in their grain production, and the shortage of grain had become a big problem for them.

One hundred thousand tons of wheat, whose cost is just over two hundred million yuan, converted into dollars is less than forty million, but for them, to go overseas to import food is not the same price.

Besides, their current financial situation is so bad that giving them a solution of 100,000 tons of wheat a year can really be of great use to them, and feeding more than 200,000 people is not a problem.

Sayid in his heart after running through all the conditions, deep inside has made his own judgment, he felt that this deal is very good value, and for his side, not only get a lot of benefits, but also a strong ally, it is definitely a good thing.

And he also knew very well that he was able to capture the 10,000 soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front, and not how strong his own ability, but completely rely on the help of Charlie.

So, at this time, he was too embarrassed to continue bargaining with Charlie, so he spoke: “Mr. Wade, I need to ask the leadership, if the leadership is okay, this matter is settled!”

Sayid took his satellite phone and stepped out of the conference room that was inside the mountain.

On the phone, he gave his leader the whole feedback of the situation.

The terms of the Cataclysmic Front’ coordinated defense, help in training soldiers, and the initiative to reside in the buffer zone made Sayid’s leaders very satisfied.

After all, this could really enhance their security very well, as well as ease their current anxiety.

The compensation of 150 million dollars and the terms of 100,000 tons of wheat per year made him even more delighted.

Moreover, there is a bonus clause attached to this, that is, the actual neutrality of Hamid.

Hamid is now in the opposition, the strongest one in terms of overall strength, if he does not initiate the attack, then the pressure on the government forces to defend will also be much easier.

Therefore, he immediately clapped on the phone and agreed to Charlie’s terms.

Sayed got the go-ahead and returned to the conference room with great joy and immediately said to Charlie as well as Joseph: “Mr. Wade, Mr. Wan, our leader has agreed to the terms just now, if there are no other problems, please come with me to Damascus to sign the agreement!”

Charlie looked at the time and smiled, “I have to rush back to China, so I won’t go with you.”

After saying that, he said to Joseph, “Joseph, you go and set the specific terms with them as well as when and how to pay, and also when to release the people,”

“As for the grain issue you don’t need to worry about it, let them see in which port it is more appropriate to receive the goods, then I will directly arrange the cargo ship to send the grain over.”

Joseph said, “Mr. Wade, how can I let you worry about the food, let me take care of it!”

Charlie waved his hand: “100,000 tons of grain is nothing to you and me, I have a ready-made shipping company, local friends are also cooperative, when the time comes, whether the acquisition or shipping should be relatively simple, so you do not need to get involved,”

“They gave you the land, you must also spend a lot of financial resources, material resources, and energy to build, you just take care of this piece, it’s fine.”

Chapter 3746

Joseph nodded gratefully and asked, “Mr. Wade, do you want to take a look at the site selection?”

Charlie waved his hand and said casually, “You definitely know more about fighting than I do, so let you decide on the specific site selection.”

“Okay!” Joseph said without hesitation, “Then any progress, your subordinates will report to you in time!”

This phrase of subordinate by Joseph made both Hamid and Sayid’s expressions flinch.

They themselves were curious, Charlie was originally on the opposite side from Joseph, he first helped Hamid to severely defeat Joseph.

And helped Sayid to capture 15,000 soldiers of Joseph, couldn’t figure out how Charlie suddenly started to help Joseph to solve the problem of the rear base today.

Now suddenly listen to Joseph call himself subordinate, the two’s hearts are appalled beyond measure, according to this meaning, the Cataclysmic Front should have become Charlie’s!

Just when the two were appalled, Charlie said to Joseph, “You go directly to Damascus with Sayid on his plane, I’ll go directly to Beirut after I have a few words with Hamid.”

Joseph respectfully said, “Yes, Mr. Wade! Then your subordinate will leave first!”

Sayid then came back to his senses, although he had countless questions in his heart that he wanted to ask Charlie, but he knew in his heart that this was not the time to ask these words.

So he took the initiative to say to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, then I will go back to Damascus first, thank you for your continuous help, and I look forward to seeing you again!”

Charlie nodded his head and smiled, “Okay Sayid, see you next time!”

Charlie and Hamid sent the two men to the door and watched the two take off in helicopter, Hamid then marveled, “Elder brother Wade, you are really amazing …… the famous Cataclysmic Front, how come they suddenly became your men?”

Charlie smiled and asked him, “Has old brother heard about the actions of the Cataclysmic Front some time ago?”

Hamid scratched his head: “My place is rather closed to information, until you said that you want to bring Joseph over to negotiate, I especially inquired about the recent situation of Cataclysmic Front.”

“I heard that they have eaten one of the top big families in China, forcing that family to give up half of their assets, I wonder if it’s true?”

Charlie proudly said, “Actually they didn’t eat that family, instead they were eaten by that family, and I, am the head of that family.”

After saying that, Charlie turned his head and looked at Hamid who was shocked and said with a smile, “Older brother, with the Cataclysmic Front around, you can just be the landlord at ease, no one can do anything to you.”

Hamid came back to his senses and hurriedly said, “Old brother, to be honest, I really can’t understand how to develop in the future, can you show me a clear path?”

Charlie laughed: “What’s so hard to understand? With your current situation, I’ll give you sixteen words.”

Hamid was busy asking, “Which sixteen words?”

Charlie put away his smile and said seriously, “Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, stifle your voice and make a fortune!”

Hamid muttered these words once in his mouth, and it seemed to be a bit of a feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the sky, but it seemed to be a bit less clear.

So, he asked with a humble attitude, “Old brother, I have no problem with letting myself neutral, but I’m afraid that they will break those of my colleagues one by one, and finally I will be the only one left, and then they will definitely not tolerate me!”

Charlie nodded and spoke, “So, that’s why I want to talk to you alone.”

Hamid knew that Charlie must have something else to explain to him privately, so he hurriedly said, “Elder brother, I would like to hear more about it!”

Charlie opened his mouth and said, “I just said that you are actually neutral, just for Sayid’s ears, in fact, you and Joseph’s positioning should completely be a mirror image.”

“Joseph is neutral in favor of the government army, while you should be neutral in favor of those fellow members of yours.”

“Cataclysmic Front will only help them with their defense in the future, not with their offense, and the same goes for you,”

“To help your poor buddies with their defense, but you can’t do this blatantly, never directly intervene when they are at war, the best way is to help them strengthen their own defense before the war.”

“If they really fight, then you carry out the words I just said, never intervene.”

“So, in order to prevent your poor buddies from being broken one by one, you have to make all your poor buddies strong,”

“But you also have to remind them that since they have chosen to occupy the mountain asking, they must not be too greedy, run your own acre of land well,”

“Don’t think about fighting with them to the death, it is best if both of you can have a long-lasting stalemate, so that for you, In fact, both are the best situation.”

Hamid nodded gently and said under his breath, “I understand what you mean old brother!”

Saying that, he said with some worry: “But to be honest, these poor buddies of mine don’t have much money, let them carry out infrastructure construction in a big way, I’m afraid they simply can’t afford it.”

Charlie asked him, “Where does the daily funding come from for an armed force like yours?”

Hamid explained, “Most of the funding relies on overseas aid, and a small portion relies on some resources and outputs of the controlled areas, such as food, oil and so on, and can earn some money by offering these materials.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Then you can use your engineering team to make a deal with them and help them with infrastructure construction at a slightly lower price, and if they don’t have money, then let them trade for food and oil.”

Saying that he further instructed: “If your engineers help them build the base, you remember to package them as a civilian construction enterprise, so that Sayid’s side face is also better, some surface work you still have to do.”

“I understand!” Hamid said with some excitement, “I’ll start pushing this matter immediately!”

Chapter 3747

Charlie, Hamid admired him to the core.

Not only because he cured his leg, and not only because he guided him to resist the attack of the Cataclysmic Front, but also because of his ability to easily turn the tide in a difficult situation.

Before this, this country is seeing battles frequently, the warring parties are fighting a lot, and with the intervention of the Cataclysmic Front, Hamid and his camp are also in danger.

However, after Charlie’s instruction, the two sides had actually ceased fire for a long time, and during this time, everyone was considered completely relieved.

Now, Charlie had re-installed the Cataclysmic Front and placed him in a collaborative defensive position, which just made up for the weak defensive problem on Sayid’s side.

You know, if this problem is not solved, the Sayid side in front of the huge survival as well as defensive pressure, will be more eager to destroy all the opposition.

And now, the addition of the Cataclysmic Front immediately gave them great relief from this mood.

And then, considering that the Cataclysmic Front had already pledged allegiance to Charlie, Hamid revered him even more in his heart.

At this moment, Charlie opened his mouth and asked Hamid: “By the way, the guys I had sent here the other day, how are they doing now?”

Hamid smiled and said, “They are digging fortifications in the mountain, including those friends of Miss Watt, I have organized them into the digging class, and they are responsible for doing hard labor at the front of the tunnel every day.”

As they were talking, they heard a sudden muffled sound from the interior of the nearby mountain, followed by an earthquake-like shaking of the mountain.

Hamid hurriedly explained: “Brother, this is the tunnel cannon digging it, in the stone wall to hit the eye and cannon, the blasted stone is taken out, and then with the placement of a good anchor, the tunnel is basically completed.”

Charlie nodded and laughed: “This place is really good, put people in this place do not have to worry about them running, even if they run ran it is impossible to run out alive.”

“Yes!” Hamid laughed: “This is surrounded by mountains, it’s really not easy to run out, and even the farmers around here are my people,”

“There are still my eyes everywhere, as long as you send people over, they take the head to ensure that they absolutely can not run away, and absolutely no one can find it here.”

Charlie smiled with satisfaction: “That’s good, in the future, if I meet any unscrupulous, I will send them over to you as free labor.”

Hamid patted his chest and promised: “Don’t worry, I’ll take as many as you can get!”

“Well.” Charlie nodded slightly, looked at the time, and said, “Okay, old brother, I still have to rush back to China, so I won’t talk to you anymore, I’ll come back when I have the chance.”

Hamid was very reluctant to say: “Brother, at least have lunch before leaving? We can have a drink together! I bought some fine wine the other day, so I’m waiting for you to come and have a drink with you!”

Charlie smiled and said, “No, brother, I appreciate it, I still have more than four hours of flight back, and it will be nighttime when I arrive in China later,”

“I will come over often after the Cataclysmic Front has made a prototype of the base, so you and Joseph can also communicate more in private.”

Hamid had to nod and said, “Okay, since you are anxious to go back, then I will not keep you, next time you come, be sure to have a good drink!”


A few minutes later, Charlie returned to Beirut alone by helicopter.

When he arrived at the airport in Beirut and was ready to transfer to the Concorde to return home, he received a phone call from Joseph.

Chapter 3748

Since Charlie had already made all the terms and conditions very clear to Sayid, Joseph signed all the agreements smoothly after meeting with them in Damascus.

Moreover, Sayid’s leader personally placed the map in front of Joseph and let him pick the right location directly from the map.

Joseph also kept the agreement and chose a relatively regular piece of land in the middle of Damascus and the opposition gathering area to be used as the back base of the front.

Although the overall area of that land was already nearly one hundred and fifty square kilometers, Sayid’s leader was still very quick to agree to it.

To him, this piece of land was just the best choice to build a buffer zone, and he would have much more peace of mind with the Cataclysmic Front stationed there in the future.

Other than that, it was the issue of the captives.

Joseph has already arranged with the financial staff of the Cataclysmic Front to complete the transfer immediately,

And Sayid has also personally started to prepare for the release of the prisoners, and it is expected that the 15,000 people will be transported to Damascus as late as this evening.

Joseph intended to let the 15,000 Cataclysmic Front soldiers take a week’s vacation first, so that they could return from Damascus by plane to their respective countries of permanent residence to have a good rest, and then rearrange their next tasks after a week.

Charlie did not have any opinion on his arrangement, so he let him make his own full arrangements.

Since then, all the important issues in the Middle East have been satisfactorily resolved, and as to how high Joseph can take the Cataclysmic Front, the future will mainly depend on him.


On the other side of the world, Liang arrived in Washington with twenty boxes of JX Renewing Pills in a hurry.

After getting off the plane, he immediately contacted the public relations company responsible for pulling the strings and made an appointment with the head of the FDA for dinner.

The other party only promised to come out for a meal, without committing to solve any problems, and Liang paid $50,000 for this.

The public relations company earned 20,000 dollars, and the remaining 30,000 dollars went into the pocket of the person in charge.

This kind of thing, is very common gray operation there, in the middle of the normal and illegal ambiguous zone, so it is also the public officials’ means to generate income.

The first thing Liang wants to do is to push the JX Renewing Pills to the other side as much as possible in the time of this meal, and then try to convince the other side to try to do a drug test of the JX Renewing Pills.

If it is determined that there are no toxic side effects, you can do small-scale clinical trials, then they will soon be able to see the effect of the JX Renewing Pills.

Once they are sure that it has a really good therapeutic effect on cancer, they will naturally realize the great value of this medicine and also increase the awareness and recognition of JX Pharmaceutical.

In order to minimize the risk as much as possible, the PR company chose the place for the meal in a small restaurant they opened themselves.

This small restaurant is located in the suburbs of Washington and is advertised to the public as a full membership restaurant,

So it only serves its own members and has permanently closed the so-called new member registration channel, just to facilitate the PR company to organize and arrange this special meeting.

When Liang arrived at the restaurant, the person in charge of the meeting with him had not yet arrived.

A PR person dressed as a waiter said to him, “Mr. Wei, Mr. Smith is a little delayed and will probably take another twenty minutes to arrive, so please sit down for a moment.”

Liang nodded gently and sat down first under the other party’s arrangement.

Chapter 3749

Twenty minutes passed, but the other party still did not appear.

The public relations officer told him that the other party might take another twenty minutes or so.

Although Liang was a little anxious, but the mouth still agreed to sit down, but he did not expect that after waiting for an hour and a half, the other party still did not appear.

After waiting for two hours, the other party finally came late.

The public relations officer brought the other party to Liang and introduced, “Mr. Wei, this is Mr. James Smith.”

The one called James Smith was a middle-aged man in his forties, and when he saw Liang, he said with some embarrassment, “I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Wei, there’s something at home that I need to take care of.”

James Smith looked quite a bit lousy, his hair was a bit messy, the first button of his shirt had disappeared, leaving only a short thread, and the tie also seemed to have been ripped open, twisted, and wrapped in the suit.

Liang was a little surprised.

He felt that a person of Smith’s level was definitely a member of high society in the United States, and probably a member of some top circles, after all, he had a lot of power in his hands and a high social status.

Like this kind of people, all to a gentleman, so the personal instrument is very concerned, in dressing and behavior they are very careful, even a hair strand will not be messy, and this James Smith looks, like a down and out insurance salesman after getting off work.

This led Liang to speculate that he should have encountered something difficult.

Just because he realized that the other party might have really encountered a difficult matter of no small magnitude, he was not angry at all because of the other party’s tardiness.

On the contrary, he nodded very understandingly and politely said, “It’s okay Mr. Smith, I don’t have anything else to do, there’s no rush.”

“Thanks!” James Smith said thanks and smiled politely before sitting down in front of Liang.

After the two of them casually ordered some meals, James Smith asked Liang: “Mr. Wei came so far from China, is there something important?”

Liang smiled, “Our JX Pharmaceutical, Mr. Smith should have heard of it, right?”

“I’ve heard of it.” Smith nodded and said, “You have a drug under review by our FDA, right?”

“Yes.” Liang said, “The review cycle has passed for quite a long time, and it has not yet entered the next stage, so I would like to inquire if there is any way to speed up the process.”

Smith said with difficulty: “Now the FDA is very strict on the review of imported drugs, the process is really long, and I can’t tell you clearly, after going through all the process, whether it meets our standards, whether it can be approved for marketing.”

Liang explained, “Mr. Smith, this kind of medicine, its ingredients are very safe, there are no toxic side effects, and the efficacy is very good,”

“It can be said that the effect is immediate, could this kind of medicine also be refused to be listed by the FDA?”

Smith nodded and said: “We have been receiving drug applications from Eastern countries in recent years, and the vast majority of these medicine you said,”

“Not only from China, Japan, and South Korea have submitted a lot, but the vast majority were rejected.”

Liang asked in disbelief: “Why is this?”

Chapter 3750

Smith said very seriously, “Mr. Wei, our Western requirements for testing as well as reviewing drugs are very different from traditional Eastern medicine, and one of the very important points is that there must be a clear pharmaco*kinetic test.”

“You must tell us clearly what is the active ingredient of this drug, for what reason, what kind of effect it plays, and you must also tell us whether this drug has toxic side effects in the body, in various organs, especially the liver and kidneys,”

“And how long is the metabolic cycle of its ingredients in the body, if these are not clear, there is no way we can allow it to enter our market sales.”

Liang said, “In many Chinese medicines, the composition of their prescriptions are very complex, so the internal composition is also very complex, unlike Western medicines which are mostly chemical drugs,”

“The active ingredient is often only one, such as penicillin, aspirin, a molecular formula can reflect its actual composition and formation, all the Chinese medicines are difficult to meet the requirements of the West, but this should not seek common ground while preserving differences?”

Smith shook his head and said, “Sorry Mr. Wei, this is something we cannot do to seek common ground while preserving differences, the rules are the rules, all drugs to enter the U.S. market, in principle, must meet all our rules, otherwise they cannot be marketed and sold.”

Liang was busy saying, “Our drug is extremely effective, which is recognized by all patients, and is a best-selling drug in many countries, as far as I know, many American patients are buying our JX Stomach powder by way of proxy,”

“But this method not only takes a long time, but also costs much more, and they all hope that the FDA will allow it to enter the U.S. market as soon as possible. “

Smith shook his head and said, “Many patients themselves can not tell whether your drug has a clear therapeutic effect or a strong effect of surface symptom relief,”

“If the former is okay, but if the latter, it is likely to also delay the treatment of the actual lesion.”

Speaking of which, Smith added: “It’s like there is a very hot selling hemorrhoid suppository drug from China, some patients in the United States through online shopping, as well as black market channels, buy these drugs,”

“Use them down also feel very good, and it has also been hoping to pass the FDA review, but we have not been through its application, you know why?”

Liang asked in disbelief: “Then why exactly?”

Smith said: “Because in our opinion, that kind of hemorrhoid suppositories, the use of some cool analgesic ingredients, this kind of ingredients can let patients relieve pain,”

“But it just can relieve pain, in our opinion, these ingredients not only can not really treat the lesion, but also probably will therefore cover up the disease, thus delaying the scientific treatment of patients,”

“So, we also issued a warning some time ago, reminding patients using this drug to pay attention to screening and not to ignore the core problem because of the relief of surface symptoms.”

“In addition to that, we have also studied that something combined with tablets that used to sell very hot in China, which is said to be a special cold medicine made with honeysuckle and forsythia with some western medicine ingredients.”

“But after our research, we found that in that kind of drug, what really plays a therapeutic role are two western ingredients, one is a common drug to reduce fever and analgesia, acetaminophen;”

“And another is a drug specifically used to relieve allergies, rhinitis, and symptoms such as sneezing and runny nose, paracetamol, the two of them combined, just to treat fever and cold and runny nose.”

Speaking here, Smith spread his hands, serious and with a few helpless expressions, “Mr. Wei, I am also not deliberately against you, or against the entire Eastern traditional medicine.”

“But think about it, if you, JX Pharmaceutical, also casually use some plant ingredients, and then with the Western medicine ingredient metformin that can control blood sugar,”

“And then just claim to the public that this is a kind of Chinese medicine that can effectively lower blood sugar, then do you think we are likely to approve this kind of drug to market?”

“This is why, we have been very, very cautious about Oriental drugs, medicine is a very rigorous discipline, must be clear, clear to be, can not be irresponsible recklessly pieced together.”

Liang also felt a little embarrassed, said stiffly: “Mr. Smith, I do not deny what you just said these things, there are a few so-called Chinese medicines, or the combination of East and West,”

“There are indeed suspicions of hanging sheep’s head to sell dog meat, but I think, you can not be all rejecting because there have been such cases, all the Eastern traditional medicine drugs are beaten to death, there are still many, many excellent drugs.”

Smith nodded: “I certainly do not deny this point, but I want to say that even excellent traditional Oriental medicine drugs must meet all our FDA requirements before they can enter our market,”

“So if your drug wants to enter the U.S. market for sale, you must let us first understand all its ingredients, as well as the use of each ingredient with potential dangers.”

Liang asked rhetorically, “Then if, as you just said, the ingredients of many proprietary Chinese medicines are so complex that they may not even be explained by a few ingredients, or even to dozens or hundreds, how can we determine them one by one?”

Smith shrugged: “If it can not be determined one by one, then we have to no way to pass.”

Liang asked again, “Even if you know that this drug is very effective, but just because you can’t fully determine the ingredients as well as the effects, you refuse to market it?”

“Yes.” Smith said categorically, “Our attitude is this, even if this drug is really effective, but before we do not figure it out absolutely, it can not be marketed.”

Liang couldn’t help but ask: “Then don’t you think, this is also the loss for the American people?”

“Loss?” Smith heard this and said with more or less a contemptuous tone, “Mr. Wei, to be honest, for all the Eastern drugs I know of so far, we have plenty of alternatives in the U.S., and safer, more efficient alternatives at that!”

“Whether it’s about headache, brain fever, or about all organs, blood vessels and the nervous system, including the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, what you have in Eastern traditional medicine, we have in Western medicine, and the Western treatment methods are much better than the Eastern treatment methods!

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 3701-3750 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.