Slap Royale Gloves Tierlist | Fandom (2024)

Slap Royale Gloves Tierlist | Fandom (1)

To establish how this tierlist is done a little bit, the gloves are categorized from Best to Worst.


Faculty beats Witch, Witch beats Glacier, Pow beats X glove, and so on and so forth. Basically ordered from left best, worst right.



FACULTY: It's no surprise that Faculty is the first, having a lot of potential to help you later in the match. The 4 power along with 20 HP each kill is super good, as you get stronger the more you kill, therefore being prone to getting even more kills. Where Faculty really shines is acid, getting easy kills and making it easier to get kills the more you kill. Best SR glove, the best and most recognized contender for getting Deto, Spy, and Charge quite easily.

In conclusion: Best glove for getting Deto, Spy or Charge due to its ability of empowering itself if you kill a person, making the glove be able to deal 80 or more power, and becomes a monster at 5+ kills.

WITCH: Ah, the favourite of these pesky generic teamers you see on nearly every match. Over time, Witch will generate brews that'll empower you over time; These brews can accumulate quite quickly, and give you either a lot of speed, jump, power, or a lot of HP to make you nearly unkillable.

Speed is good for chasing people, running away and leaving the storm.

Jump is good for maneuvering your way through slaps, juking or getting free hits. This glove with 1 or 2 teammates can make you super OP, to the point the match becomes unfair against the regular player (unless you have a true power and a sphere of fury or something), basically giving you a free win. Witch also has a strategy which is just hiding and getting the most loot you can to empower yourself which is semi-consistent.

In conclusion: Potent glove allowing yourself to empower over time, near impossible to combat against if used by 2 or 3 people, very good glove for solo matches if you get loot and brews to empower yourself.

GLACIER (MY FAVOURITE AND MAIN): Although I do hold glacier in a very high regard, it does not overpower the former 2 by a big mile. However, it is a good contender (if not the one that is on top 3) for a top 3 SR glove. Glacier can give you a free hit if timed well, and can give 2 if your opponent has the bad luck to be glitched by the ice, or not receive a high amount of knockback (so that you can try to get another hit in), it is very good for comboing people in the storm and keeping them at bay so that they can die, not to mention that you can freeze people through walls to possibly catch them off-guard. The cooldown of 45 seconds, while redundantly nerfed, it's still good enough for you to stand your ground against your opponents while waiting for the cooldown, and can save you in strategic situations. The ability can avoid getting hit by a powerful slap if you're in the ground (E.G: true power), and can be useful to hit people in the acid pits. It can also freeze multiple people, being a plus against teamers and neutralizing them. Talking about free hits, Glacier can get you an opportunity to use a True Power freely (or a True Power and a SoF to instakill your opponent), being very reliable. Overall, good glove and debatably top 2, even.

in conclusion: All-around versatile glove with a good ability which may allow to get hits in, and disallow people to get out of the storm, killing them easily.

Also very good for True Powers

(Worth mentioning that Glacier has a high reaction time needed to dodge its ability).

PACK-A-PUNCH: As the glove you automatically equip once joining Slap Royale, it is pretty good. 50 Power for Early Game, it can rack up with items in the mid or end game. IF you're teaming (which I doubt y'all are that skill issued), you can get quite some power and could pack quite a punch. Good for Acid, because of its extra 10 power, good for getting people into the storm too (by the time the storm is close enough to get people trapped into it, you're already gonna have items to boost your power). Simple, but effective; Good for power and getting people into the storm.

In conclusion: All-around potentially powerful glove when sending people to the storm, can be boosted with Bull essences, potions of strength or strength brews.

POW; THE BANE OF EXISTENCE OF TEAMERS: Pow has an AoE with a power of 50, or a PAP. While it remains unchanged with items or other external factors, it is a nice bonus against teamers or cramped spaces in where's multiple people (E.G: The barn when the bunker is closed, the sheriff prison, etc). It can also work in open spaces, although to a lesser extent. Pow could make people come 1v1 you instead of team on you, which could make fighting groups easier (if they do team on you, you can just slap one of em' and punish the others for getting too close). There's also a strategy in acid that involves you and a teammate, you need to slap your teammate to the fence to KB the other people on the other side of the fence, effectively knocking them into acid easily and without any risk of skill. Pow doesn't work well in single fights, but mostly shines in a groupal fight.

In conclusion: Niche glove very good glove against multiple people, average against one person.


KABOOM: Kaboom is a survivability glove, with the ability to knock yourself back (like Fish) towards where your avatar's back is facing. It can be used for getting out of the storm, avoiding getting knocked back in the acid pits, or running. With an above average 20 second cooldown (by the time you escape your opponent you're probably already gonna have your ability recharged), it can be used very frequently and be very versatile. However, this fish-like ability comes with the price of 7.5 being dealt to you on use, while scaling each time you gain power. While this may sound like nothing, on life-or-death situations this may be a self-destruct button, as activating the ability will get you killed.

In conclusion: All-around very versatile glove usable for various things such as running, saving yourself from acid pits, etc.

VAMPIRE (P2W): With its (almost) below average CD, Vampire can act as a sort of emergency heal of sorts, while also remaining as an ability that may be used offensively. The ability gets better the more power you have, as the more damage you deal, the more damage you heal (see what I did there?). Vampire can be good if you are good at getting hits in and possibly healing, although the 10 second ability active time frame is kind of rough, only possibly allowing 4 to 5 hits in, only 3 if you're unskilled to regen about 30 to 40 HP (more or less depending on your power). If you can't get any hits in, the ability is basically trivial, as you aren't gaining anything from it except it being on cooldown. On the storm, you can regen if you combo people in the storm, kind of nullifying the damage that the storm deals. Can be paired with healing items to make yourself heal a lot more.

In coneclusion: Good offensive glove (although kind of niche) to attack people on the storm, heal yourself if you're good at getting hits in, and healing a lot paired with healing items.

CANNONEER (P2W): One of if not the most niche glove to ever reside in Slap Royale. While having a great cooldown for its ability (25 seconds). The issue with it is that it becomes very niche in end game, because the storm will be so closed in that you won't be able to rotate as good as you would in early game; Talking about early game, its rotation capabilities can be the greatest out of any SR glove, as you can rotate with ease around the map to grab more loot than a normal non-p2w person could. With a mediocre pre build cannon animation, it can quite easily get out of danger in early game. While being the best movement glove, it still doesn't bring much to the table as you can't really kill someone using the ability. Although it can save you in some situations. Imagine this: you've been hit by a true power, and although you are very far away from safe zone, you have heals and try to heal up and stall time to make a cannon. You succeed, and return to the arena with no troubles. It is a great glove for getting out of the storm if you're hit very deep in.

In conclusion: Great glove for mobility in early game, falls off in end game, and, while niche, can get you out of some life-or-death situations.


THUNDERCALLER: The Worse Glacier. Thundercaller is a glacier-like glove with a thunder you can summon that has a foreswing (time taken for the animation to deal damage to the player) of about 2 seconds, which may sound good, but remember this is a stationary ability can people can quite easily move out of, with a circular AoE. Most of the time you do the ability people move out of it. In storm comboing, it is very good because your opponent doesn't know where the thunder will spawn, and you can predict where your opponent will go to stun them and get them into another combo easily. You can summon the thunder from far away, in where your cursor is currently located. The Thunder will deal 15 base damage and stun the player for about 2 ish seconds, which is a little risky to try to slap someone if they're stunned IF they're far away. In acid, this glove is good but it is riskier to use because of the low stun time. You can hit multiple people with the thunder, meaning you can get rid of those pesky generic teamers you see in every match (or at least have a chance to fight against em). the cooldown is OK, having a 30 second cooldown. Thunder's base damage is 15, as stated before and will go up by 1 every 4 power, which can get really powerful. Two big flaws I see are: you can get hit by your own thunder, and if your opponent didn't get hit by the thunder too, your opponent will get a free hit. Another big flaw I see is that very frequently your thunder will go BELOW the ground, and its hitbox will be BELOW the ground instead of ON the ground, wasting your ability and essentially making the glove useless (also reduces consistency, and can ruin the match in key moments you NEED the thunder to hit).

In conclusion: Glacier-like glove with less CD, damage, less stun time, more dodgeable and very glitchy, essentially making the glove sometimes useless.


REVENGE: Revenge is basically a retribution if you've been slapped and you counter slap. Revenge gives 25 more power per slap if you hit your opponent before 6 seconds have passed after they have hit you, which is good. Although this comes with a lot of downsides. First of all, if you have a playstyle of always trying to go for the 65 power slap, other opponents may catch on the trick and back up after you've been slapped. However, this may also be useful as you won't be comboed as much. In acid, this glove serves near useless performance, as if you go for the hit you will either be hit by another player or knocked into the acid before you can hit anyone. If someone has high power, Revenge becomes nearly useless because of the time it will take for you to get back to them, therefore ending the 6 seconds before you have a chance to attack back. However, you may hide your glove as much as possible so that your opponents don't know what glove you're using, therefore more chance of you getting +25 power when slapping because people will just go right at you, not backing up (situational). If used with items that grant more power, this ability can become very OP. Against teamers, it can serve kind of useful if they all just go directly to your hits. Overall, kind of niche but if managed properly can be very powerful.

In conclusion: Good glove for hitting back if your opponents don't adapt to the Revenge playstyle many Revenge users have got. Situational and kind of niche.

MISSILE-LAUNCHER: Missile launcher is a form of additional pressure and damage towards your opponent, dealing 17.5 damage to your opponent if all rockets hit, each rocket dealing 3.5 damage. Very useful against people that are runners, or against teamers (the rockets have AoE). In the storm, it is quite powerful summing up the damage of the storm and the rockets. Although, majority of the time only 3 rockets hit, meaning they do 10.5 damage, while good, it is a degradement of the 17.5 damage dealt if all rockets hit. With a good CD of 25 seconds, the damage may add up a lot if you keep targetting the same opponent over and over.

In conclusion: Good offensive tool, but doesn't give any kind of advantage to get free hits other than damage, nor does it help getting people in the storm, or survivability.


VOID: The cheap wormhole, they say. Void has a very bad cooldown of 1 minute and 10 seconds, which is bad for the portals only lasting about 15 seconds. Good for transportation and running, if it wasn't for the fact that opponents can go through the void portals you make, essentially making running useless. While making a portal, you will be invisible but will leave a trail of sparkles which may allow your opponent to hit you while you're running from them. It can help you escape the storm, although situational and kind of risky because you leave a portal others may use to get you back into the storm. Void performs bad against teamers, it doesn't really have anything interesting except it's used for running and kind of offensive strategies which will be covered later. In acid, you can make a portal right next to acid and go to a safe spot for slapping so that you can slap people into acid safely. This may be used against you, although. Void is the contender for the second glitchiest glove in SR, it can get you below the map and ruin matches if you so happen to glitch yourself into one. Also can glitch you inside the bunker, which, if it's closed, WILL votekick you.

Overall: Only kind of usable in acid for offense, usable for running and rarely usable for offense in any other situation, with a very rough Cooldown of 70 seconds.

JUGGERNAUT: Usable for acid, although the 20% KB and damage reduction is bad because of various reasons. 2O% KB reduction makes this glove incredibly prone to comboing, and can make for an easy death. The 20% damage reduction also does not affect the storm but it is good outside of that. Although usable for acid because of reduced KB, it can make you prone to getting comboed to acid instead.

In conclusion: Good damage reduction, although doesn't work in the storm.

The KB reduction is more of a curse than a blessing.


TANK: Tank doesn't bring a whole lot to the table, maybe you can survive 2 extra hits or 3, nothing much. In the storm, it becomes nearly useless. In acid, it doesn't help at all because you can be instakilled with the acid puddle. Against teamers, It can only help you in surviving a little bit longer. This can be improved if you have a teammate with witch, if you have healing items, or if you get kills.

In conclusion: Doesn't bring much to the table, you can survive 3 or 2 hits more but nothing else.


AQUARIUS: The "Better" Vigorous (It's still mediocre). Aquarius can heal 2 HP per sec underwater, which may seem good but is extremely niche. In endgame, skilled players may still combo you underwater for an easy kill. Or there will be no rivers or lakes for you to heal in because of the storm. If you're in the storm, you can't heal. This may also be outclassed by healing items. Though good source of healing if your opponent isn't comboing you underwater. In acid, this doesn't help at all, nor would it help against teamers underwater.

In conclusion: Good glove for healing but becomes niche and irrelevant in the later stages of the match. Also can be outclassed by healing items.

VIGOROUS: The Worse Aquarius. Vigorous gives 20% more healing, though mediocre. In acid, this glove doesn't have any special effects that'd help. In the storm, this glove is nullified by it. Outclassed by healing items, normal healing is still good anyway.

In conclusion: Bad glove that doesn't really bring anything to the table and is irrelevant.


AERIALIST: Aerialish*t gives a 5 jump power boost, along with a 1 speed boost, which is incredibly mediocre. The 5 jump power boost change is nearly nonexistent, and so is the 1 speed boost. Though can be stacked with ACTUAL boosting items like speed potions and jump potions, but rarely.

TL;DR: sh*t.

In conclusion: sh*t glove that doesn't change anything in gameplay. I am willing to say this glove is outclassed by witch.

I was originally going to put even this even more like "Why faculty beats X glove" and so on and so forth, but like i'm so f*cking tired of making this sh*t already so here it goes

Slap Royale Gloves Tierlist | Fandom (2)

Also please support this, this took me like 4 days and like I'm going insane over this

Slap Royale Gloves Tierlist | Fandom (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.