Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (2024)

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gsbsrk b

Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (2)692

Hi All,

I have one doubt regarding Enterprise portal in AX 2012

I assigned Human resource assistant ,Human resource Manager, Payroll Administrator and Payroll manager security roles to one user.

After login to the Enterprise portal

that user is not able to view the "Employee services" module.

Is there any different security roles are required to assign for Employee self service module.

Please suggest me how can i achieve this.

I can achieve this through security roles or do i need to development through the Privileges.




Administration and Setup


Enterprise Portal

  • Community Member Microsoft Employee on at

    Like'; var react_Snippet = 'Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (6)Like'; function HandleReactionRecord(e, targetRecordId) { var reaction_ControlId = "#"+e.id; try{ if(false == false){ window.location.href = "/signin?returnUrl="+window.location.pathname+window.location.search; }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).parent().block({ message: '', overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: '#e0dede', opacity:0.6} }); var entityParams = { isReactedByUser: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true" ? true : false, reactionEntityName: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reactionEntityName"), contactId: userId, recordId: targetRecordId, reactionType: "Like", reactionId: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id"), siteId: "44c1922b-d231-4183-bae6-be148059122f", comment:$(reaction_ControlId).attr("commentflag") == 'true'?true:false }; LoadReactionControl(entityParams, successCallback, errorCallback); function successCallback(createdRecordId, res, status, xhr){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", createdRecordId); if(createdRecordId != "" && createdRecordId != undefined){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", true); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(reacted_Snippet); }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errorCallback(res){ if(res.status == 500 && $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true"){ getRecord("mspwrplt_cmty_discussionreaction", '', targetRecordId, function(){}, errRetrieve); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errRetrieve(res){ if(res.status == 404){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", ''); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } } }catch(err) { console.error(err.message); $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } }(0)


    RE: Which security Roles are Required to view the Employee self service Module in AX 2012 Enterprise Portal

    Hi Krishna, not sure if this was resolved but making the employee role as Sohaib indicates is correct. Ensure the relation is set up on the user to the worker. An employee set up as a user with "employee" role and who is a system user should be then able to access EP to enter a travel and expense.

  • sohaibcheema

    Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (9)46,590

    User Group Leader on at

    Like'; var react_Snippet = 'Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (10)Like'; function HandleReactionRecord(e, targetRecordId) { var reaction_ControlId = "#"+e.id; try{ if(false == false){ window.location.href = "/signin?returnUrl="+window.location.pathname+window.location.search; }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).parent().block({ message: '', overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: '#e0dede', opacity:0.6} }); var entityParams = { isReactedByUser: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true" ? true : false, reactionEntityName: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reactionEntityName"), contactId: userId, recordId: targetRecordId, reactionType: "Like", reactionId: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id"), siteId: "44c1922b-d231-4183-bae6-be148059122f", comment:$(reaction_ControlId).attr("commentflag") == 'true'?true:false }; LoadReactionControl(entityParams, successCallback, errorCallback); function successCallback(createdRecordId, res, status, xhr){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", createdRecordId); if(createdRecordId != "" && createdRecordId != undefined){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", true); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(reacted_Snippet); }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errorCallback(res){ if(res.status == 500 && $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true"){ getRecord("mspwrplt_cmty_discussionreaction", '', targetRecordId, function(){}, errRetrieve); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errRetrieve(res){ if(res.status == 404){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", ''); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } } }catch(err) { console.error(err.message); $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } }(0)


    RE: Which security Roles are Required to view the Employee self service Module in AX 2012 Enterprise Portal

    Security is not Module based so I cannot tell you ONE ROLE, which will give you access of all screens of Travel & Expense.

    can you kindly narrow down you requirement to specific screens?? so we may suggest you.

    Moreover kindly install SDT on your DEV/Test environment. SDT can give you answers of such questions

  • gsbsrk b

    Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (13)692

    on at

    Like'; var react_Snippet = 'Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (14)Like'; function HandleReactionRecord(e, targetRecordId) { var reaction_ControlId = "#"+e.id; try{ if(false == false){ window.location.href = "/signin?returnUrl="+window.location.pathname+window.location.search; }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).parent().block({ message: '', overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: '#e0dede', opacity:0.6} }); var entityParams = { isReactedByUser: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true" ? true : false, reactionEntityName: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reactionEntityName"), contactId: userId, recordId: targetRecordId, reactionType: "Like", reactionId: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id"), siteId: "44c1922b-d231-4183-bae6-be148059122f", comment:$(reaction_ControlId).attr("commentflag") == 'true'?true:false }; LoadReactionControl(entityParams, successCallback, errorCallback); function successCallback(createdRecordId, res, status, xhr){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", createdRecordId); if(createdRecordId != "" && createdRecordId != undefined){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", true); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(reacted_Snippet); }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errorCallback(res){ if(res.status == 500 && $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true"){ getRecord("mspwrplt_cmty_discussionreaction", '', targetRecordId, function(){}, errRetrieve); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errRetrieve(res){ if(res.status == 404){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", ''); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } } }catch(err) { console.error(err.message); $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } }(0)


    RE: Which security Roles are Required to view the Employee self service Module in AX 2012 Enterprise Portal

    Thank you so much shoaib.

    I have one more doubt regarding security role

    Which role is required to view the Travel and expense module in AX 2012



  • Verified answer


    Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (17)46,590

    User Group Leader on at

    Like'; var react_Snippet = 'Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (18)Like'; function HandleReactionRecord(e, targetRecordId) { var reaction_ControlId = "#"+e.id; try{ if(false == false){ window.location.href = "/signin?returnUrl="+window.location.pathname+window.location.search; }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).parent().block({ message: '', overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: '#e0dede', opacity:0.6} }); var entityParams = { isReactedByUser: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true" ? true : false, reactionEntityName: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reactionEntityName"), contactId: userId, recordId: targetRecordId, reactionType: "Like", reactionId: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id"), siteId: "44c1922b-d231-4183-bae6-be148059122f", comment:$(reaction_ControlId).attr("commentflag") == 'true'?true:false }; LoadReactionControl(entityParams, successCallback, errorCallback); function successCallback(createdRecordId, res, status, xhr){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", createdRecordId); if(createdRecordId != "" && createdRecordId != undefined){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", true); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(reacted_Snippet); }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errorCallback(res){ if(res.status == 500 && $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true"){ getRecord("mspwrplt_cmty_discussionreaction", '', targetRecordId, function(){}, errRetrieve); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errRetrieve(res){ if(res.status == 404){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", ''); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } } }catch(err) { console.error(err.message); $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } }(0)


    RE: Which security Roles are Required to view the Employee self service Module in AX 2012 Enterprise Portal

    try to assign Employee Role. There is a role named as Employee.

    also make sure, user has relationship defined with employee

  • Community Member Microsoft Employee on at

    Like'; var react_Snippet = 'Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (21)Like'; function HandleReactionRecord(e, targetRecordId) { var reaction_ControlId = "#"+e.id; try{ if(false == false){ window.location.href = "/signin?returnUrl="+window.location.pathname+window.location.search; }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).parent().block({ message: '', overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: '#e0dede', opacity:0.6} }); var entityParams = { isReactedByUser: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true" ? true : false, reactionEntityName: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reactionEntityName"), contactId: userId, recordId: targetRecordId, reactionType: "Like", reactionId: $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id"), siteId: "44c1922b-d231-4183-bae6-be148059122f", comment:$(reaction_ControlId).attr("commentflag") == 'true'?true:false }; LoadReactionControl(entityParams, successCallback, errorCallback); function successCallback(createdRecordId, res, status, xhr){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", createdRecordId); if(createdRecordId != "" && createdRecordId != undefined){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", true); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(reacted_Snippet); }else{ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errorCallback(res){ if(res.status == 500 && $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction") == "true"){ getRecord("mspwrplt_cmty_discussionreaction", '', targetRecordId, function(){}, errRetrieve); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } function errRetrieve(res){ if(res.status == 404){ $(reaction_ControlId).attr("user-reaction", false); $(reaction_ControlId).attr("reaction-id", ''); $(reaction_ControlId).empty(); $(reaction_ControlId).html(react_Snippet); } $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } } }catch(err) { console.error(err.message); $(reaction_ControlId).parent().unblock(); } }(0)


    RE: Which security Roles are Required to view the Employee self service Module in AX 2012 Enterprise Portal


    Could you try opening Employee self services page directly from user profiles. Check if you are able to open

Dynamics Community Forum Thread Details (2024)


What is a community forum example? â€ș

Examples of successful community forums

GitHub allows developers to. GitHub's "Issues" and "Discussions" sections serve as forums where users can report bugs, suggest features, ask questions, and collaborate on resolving problems related to software projects.

Can Dynamics send emails? â€ș

Absolutely, You Can Send and Track Emails with Microsoft Dynamics 365! One of the fantastic features of Microsoft Dynamics 365 is its capability to streamline your email communications and create effective nurturing campaigns.

How to use Dynamics CRM API? â€ș

How to use the Dynamics CRM API? To use the Dynamics CRM API, you first need to have a Dynamics CRM subscription and be authorized to use the API by your organization's Dynamics administrator. Once you have access, you can obtain the API endpoint URL and authentication credentials.

What is many to many in Dynamics CRM? â€ș

A N:N (many-to-many) relationship is used to link many records from one entity to many records of another. Each side of the relationship will display the various records that are associated with each other as a result through a subgrid.

What is a disadvantage of a community forum? â€ș

With many users posting, it takes effort to keep track of conversations and moderate them. Additionally, forum structure can lead to info overload, making it hard to find relevant discussions. Plus, security risks exist if the platform isn't managed well.

How to organize a community forum? â€ș

Gather data about target audience interest in forum topic (e.g., focus groups, street polls, surveys). Invite speakers known to and respected by your target audience. Choose speakers who are members of your target audience. Provide contact number that individuals can call to ask questions.

Does Microsoft Dynamics have an open API? â€ș

Standard APIs for Business Central are available as an OpenAPI Specification (OAS). OAS defines a standard interface to RESTful APIs, providing a uniform access to APIs and documentation.

How do I get data from Dynamics CRM? â€ș

In Excel, open the Data tab and choose Get Data -> From Other Sources -> From Microsoft Query. Choose the DynamicsCRM DSN. Select the option to use Query Wizard to create/edit queries. In the Query Wizard, expand the node for the table you would like to import into your spreadsheet.

How to get Dynamics 365 API URL? â€ș

In this quick post, we will see how to get the Web API URL for the Dynamics 365 organization.
  1. Go to Settings > Customizations > Developer Resources.
  2. In the Service Root URL, you will find the API URL.
  3. You can copy this URL and paste it into a browser to get its result.

What are the maximum number of tabs allowed on a Microsoft Dynamics CRM? â€ș

By default the max number of tabs allowed in CRM Form is 8.

What is a many-to-many relationship schema? â€ș

A many-to-many relationship occurs when multiple records in a table are associated with multiple records in another table. For example, a many-to-many relationship exists between customers and products: customers can purchase various products, and products can be purchased by many customers.

What does database one-to-many mean? â€ș

A one-to-many relationship exists in a relational database when one row in table A is linked to many rows in table B, but only one row in table B is linked to one row in table A. It's vital to remember that a one-to-many relationship is the quality of the relationship, not the data.

What is a community forum? â€ș

A community forum is like a public meeting, where members of the community come together at a central location to share their ideas, opinions and concerns [97, 98]. A forum is a way of consulting members of the community and is part of the community engagement process.

What is the difference between a blog and a community forum? â€ș

Blogs also tend to be more anecdotal in tone whereas forums tend to be more professional, but they don't necessarily have to be. Both Blogs and Forums utilize a rich text format. This means photos, hyperlinks and videos can be embedded within posts. Both provide email subscription capabilities.

What is forum and its examples? â€ș

a. : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion. The town has scheduled a public forum to discuss the proposal. b. : a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities.

What purpose does the community forum serve? â€ș

A community forum is a meeting place on the internet. The main function of such a forum is the possibility of discussing with others, sharing knowledge, discussing various interesting topics. In customer service it is a self-service support where customers can get help without the support of the customer service team.


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