Camp - Search - D&D Beyond (2024)

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Camp Locations

Compendium - Sources->Dragon of Icespire Peak

Camp Locations The following locations are keyed to the map of the loggers’ camp. Map: Logger’s Camp View Player Version

Settler Camp

Compendium - Sources->Sleeping Dragon’s Wake

Settler Camp The camp outside the palisade of Leilon is home to settlers who have not yet erected a home for themselves in the town. The muddy gathering of tents and cook fires becomes smaller by the

day, but those who remain are exhausted from their daily labor and the constant guard shifts to keep the camp safe from monsters and wildlife. The leader of the settler camp is a witty elderly female

Abandoned Camp

Compendium - Sources->Tyranny of Dragons

Abandoned Camp When characters return to the camp area, they find it mostly abandoned. (If they stayed, they witnessed the rapid packing up and avbandonment of the camp.) The stinking huts of the

successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that most of the camp’s wagons and pack animals moved in a train toward the west. Still left in the camp are some hunters, the kobolds who tend the dragon

Orc Camp

Compendium - Sources->Lost Mine of Phandelver

Orc Camp Wyvern Tor is a sizable hill, with miles of rugged terrain on its flanks and slopes. Searching for the hidden orc camp takes time. The party can attempt one DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check

or DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check per hour to find the camp, made by the character leading the way. When the characters find the camp, read the following: The faint smell of smoke hangs on the air as

Camp Vengeance

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

Camp Vengeance Through the foliage, you see a crude timber fortification — a walled compound with watchtowers and tents inside it, encircled by a ditch bristling with sharpened stakes. A large

. The corpses around the fort (map 2.4) are the remains of beasts and undead that attacked the camp. The camp dwellers took meat off the dead dinosaurs and other beasts to feed themselves, leaving the

Camp Alertness

Compendium - Sources->Hoard of the Dragon Queen

Camp Alertness Langdedrosa Cyanwrath For the first day following the raid, the cultists are both elated with the outcome and exhausted. Rezmir doesn’t expect a serious challenge from the town

, and slower members of the raiding party and walking wounded straggle into camp all through the day after the raid. The situation at the camp is confused and security is lax. Most of these raiders are

Camp Alertness

Compendium - Sources->Tyranny of Dragons

Camp Alertness For the first day following the raid, the cultists are both elated with the outcome and exhausted. Rezmir doesn’t expect a serious challenge from the town, and slower members of the

raiding party and walking wounded straggle into camp all through the day after the raid. The situation at the camp is confused, and security is lax. Most of these raiders are mercenaries and bandits

The Camp

Compendium - Sources->Hoard of the Dragon Queen

The Camp The cultists have set up their camp in the hollow of a rocky plateau that’s shaped roughly like a horseshoe. The lower portion of the plateau rises gently from the surrounding land, but it

quickly steepens and ascends to a height of 150 feet above the landscape. Boulders form jumbled heaps at the bases of the cliffs. The level shelves and top of the plateau are covered in long grass, and brush and scrubby trees grow in patches. Map 2.1: Raider Camp View Player Version

Loggers' Camp

Compendium - Sources->Dragon of Icespire Peak

Loggers’ Camp “Loggers’ Camp” is balanced for characters of 3rd level, though characters of 2nd level can survive the perils of this quest if they are cautious and clever. Characters of 4th level or higher should have an easy time dealing with the threats to the camp.

The Camp

Compendium - Sources->Tyranny of Dragons

The Camp The cultists have set up their camp in the hollow of a rocky plateau that’s shaped roughly like a horseshoe. The lower portion of the plateau rises gently from the surrounding land, but it

Camp Locations

Compendium - Sources->Princes of the Apocalypse

Camp Locations Hc1. Druid Camp Four robed humans — two male, two female — chant as they stand around a bonfire. On the periphery of the firelight are two massive elk, placidly chewing. The four

fight only if attacked, spurring their two elk companions into battle. They beg for mercy once half of them (including the elk) are down. Reinforcements. Camp Hc2 arrives the first time a disturbance is

Abandoned Camp

Compendium - Sources->Hoard of the Dragon Queen

Abandoned Camp When characters return to the camp area, they find it mostly abandoned. (If they stayed, they witnessed the rapid packing up and abandonment of the camp.) The stinking huts of the

successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that most of the camp’s wagons and pack animals moved in a train toward the west. Still left in the camp are some hunters, the kobolds who tend the dragon

Elra's Camp

Compendium - Sources->Keys from the Golden Vault

Elra’s Camp Elra and her companions camped on a bluff that has an unobstructed view of the south wall of Delphi Mansion. The characters can locate the camp without difficulty. A quick search of the

camp yields a backpack containing a rolled-up map of Delphi Mansion. Give your players a copy of map 3.1 at this time. Accompanying the map are some scraps of paper with notes written on them in Common

Camp Reconnaissance

Compendium - Sources->Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen

Camp Reconnaissance When the characters or other scouts return to Vogler, they’re directed to report to Mayor Raven, who has been at the Brass Crab with Becklin and other concerned villagers all

night. Raven is shocked by the report about the enemy camp. She wants to know more about the nature and disposition of this force, and she’s aware Vogler can’t defend itself against anything more than a

Camp Righteous

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

Camp Righteous You come upon an abandoned riverside camp strewn with wreckage. The tents are moldy and tattered, and all the permanent structures appear to have burned to the ground. Two intact

rowboats are tied off to a short dock. North of the camp is a ridge, built into which is an 80-foot-tall stone statue carved to look like a man with a crocodile on his back. Between the statue’s feet is a

Travel to the Camp

Compendium - Sources->Dragon of Icespire Peak

Travel to the Camp The characters can travel 24 miles in a day, and the loggers’ camp is roughly 50 miles north of Phandalin. The characters will need to take a long rest near the halfway point in

their journey. They can choose to camp in the woods or veer eastward and spend their long rest at Falcon’s Hunting Lodge. The party member with the highest Wisdom (Survival) modifier is the most

Raider Camp

Compendium - Sources->Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk

Raider Camp Wyvern Tor is a sizable hill, with miles of rugged terrain on its flanks and slopes. Searching for the hidden raider camp takes time. The character leading the party can attempt one DC 15

Wisdom (Perception) check or DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check per hour to find the camp, made by the character leading the way. Mike Schley Map 3.3: Wyvern Tor The camp is depicted on map 3.3. When the

Settler Camp

Compendium - Sources->Storm Lord’s Wrath

Settler Camp Circled wagons, tents, cook fires, and supply crates comprise the sprawling settler camp outside town. Most the town’s business takes place here, as the town council gathers regularly to

Supply Camp

Compendium - Sources->Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen

Supply Camp The characters find the Kalaman ships at Dread Wolf Cove. If the characters didn’t already venture here in chapter 5, they find it as detailed there. The shore near the vessels is guarded

by a small camp of Kalaman soldiers. One of the ship captains, a human man named Haldri Leddis, recognizes the characters and prepares a ship for their journey back to Kalaman. The other vessels wait

Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp

Compendium - Sources->Tyranny of Dragons

Chapter 2: Raiders’ Camp In the warm light of day, Governor Nighthill and other leaders want to know who was behind the attack on Greenest, and why the town was a target. The raiders retreated

toward the southeast, and their trail is easy to spot. A small, stealthy group could follow the trail to the raiders’ camp and gather information. Governor Nighthill approaches the characters with a

Workers' Camp

Compendium - Sources->Infernal Machine Rebuild

Workers’ Camp A number of tents along the north side of the hill house the tomb’s workers, their food storage, equipment depots, latrines, and so forth. These workers include two dozen neutral

intruders. They step up to fight for themselves only if all else fails. Treasure Little of value can be found in the camp aside from personal effects. These effects include several letters offering high

L5. North Camp

Compendium - Sources->Dragon of Icespire Peak

L5. North Camp A dead campfire is surrounded by six tents, each containing a bedroll and a mess kit. Further inspection reveals that the tents and bedrolls have been partially dissolved by some kind

I: Camp Carrionclay

Compendium - Sources->Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen

I: Camp Carrionclay The Red Dragon Army established this outpost to serve as a waypoint for its supply lines as it travels across the Northern Wastes. Characters might visit this location to rescue

Camp When the characters approach Camp Carrionclay, read the following: Ahead, the smells of rotting fish and burning flesh hang thick in the air. A fortified camp sits atop cliffs jutting from the

Approaching a Camp

Compendium - Sources->Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

Approaching a Camp As the characters approach a Reghed tribe camp, read: Splayed across the tundra ahead of you is a campsite with more than a dozen tents arranged in two concentric rings, with the

larger tents clustered near the middle. Between the tents burn several campfires. The air around the camp smells of cooked meat, and you can hear the barking and howling of dogs. Off to one side

9. Adventurers' Camp

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

9. Adventurers’ Camp Amid the ruins is an abandoned campsite. Torn backpacks and rotted gear litter the ground around the three moldering tents. At the center of the camp, a scrap of dirty yellow

cloth hangs from a crude wooden flagpole. This camp was made by the Company of the Yellow Banner, a party of explorers that arrived in Omu over six months ago. All the explorers are now dead. For

4. Abandoned Camp

Compendium - Sources->Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

4. Abandoned Camp The Xanathar Guild had a base camp here, but it was forced to abandon the place after a run-in with the Fine Fellows of Daggerford. This room is strewn with rotten supplies and the

23. Bullywug Camp

Compendium - Sources->Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

23. Bullywug Camp Muck. This 20-foot-high cave is filled with muck to a depth of 1 foot. Bullywug Shacks. Two hovels made of stones and mud are lit by tall torches. Four bullywugs are mending tools near the shacks while two giant toads look on.

N9. Vistani Camp

Compendium - Sources->Curse of Strahd

N9. Vistani Camp Several footpaths and horse trails lead to this location in the woods southwest of Vallaki. The woods part to reveal an expansive clearing: a small, grass-covered hill with low

, you can smell the odors of wine and horses that emanate from this central area. This natural clearing serves as a permanent campsite for the Vistani and their dusk elf allies. Map 5.6: Vistani Camp

11. Hobgoblin Base Camp

Compendium - Sources->Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

11. Hobgoblin Base Camp Hobgoblins have turned this 60-foot-high cavern into a base camp. The camp’s leader, the ruthless hobgoblin warlord Yargoth the Breaker, answers to a more powerful warlord

Exploring the Camp

Compendium - Sources->Hoard of the Dragon Queen

Exploring the Camp Characters can learn much from poking around in the camp. If the characters pose as cult members, they can speak to other cultists and question them (carefully) about the cult’s

recognizes them from Greenest. This is a camp of the Cult of the Dragon — praise Tiamat’s glory! Not everyone here is a full-fledged member of the cult. Many are new initiates working toward full acceptance

Exploring the Camp

Compendium - Sources->Tyranny of Dragons

Exploring the Camp Characters can learn much from poking around in the camp. If the characters pose as cult members, they can speak to other cultists and question them (carefully) about the cult’s

recognizes them from Greenest. This is a camp of the Cult of the Dragon—praise Tiamat’s glory! Not everyone here is a full-fledged member of the cult. Many are new initiates working toward full acceptance

Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp

Compendium - Sources->Hoard of the Dragon Queen

Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp In the warm light of day, Governor Nighthill and other leaders want to know who was behind the attack on Greenest, and why the town was a target. The raiders retreated

toward the southeast, and their trail is easy to spot. A small, stealthy group could follow the trail to the raiders’ camp and gather information. Governor Nighthill approaches the characters with a

V8. Aarakocra Camp

Compendium - Sources->Princes of the Apocalypse

V8. Aarakocra Camp In a depression on a ridge near the canyon floor, five aarakocra have set up a watch post hidden with brush. They have seen grim pilgrims proceeding into and out of Knifepoint

5. Gnoll Camp

Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

5. Gnoll Camp The gnolls have a small camp set up here to prevent the hook horrors from fleeing in this direction. Three gnolls guard the camp and attack any creatures emerging from the tunnels that are not of their kind.

Reghed Tribe Camp

Compendium - Sources->Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

Reghed Tribe Camp Reghed tribe camps are scattered throughout Icewind Dale. None of them appear on maps because they don’t stay in one place for long. Each Reghed tribe is made up of smaller clans

, each with its own chieftain (the most powerful of whom often carries the title of king or queen). A clan might set up its camp for a tenday or two, then dismantle it and go back on the move, allowing

Camp - Search - D&D Beyond (2024)


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.